
1910 - 1914



Cubism is a modernist trend in painting, originating in early 20th century France. It is characterized by the use of geometrized conditional forms and the desire to “shatter” real objects into stereometric primitives. The emergence of Cubism is traditionally dated between 1905-1907 and is associated with the works of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The term “cubism” appeared in 1908, when French painter Henri Matisse, after seeing landscapes by G. Braque in 1908, exclaimed “Look, small cubes!”.

There were three periods of Cubism: the period of Paul Cezanne (until 1909), the analytical period, and the synthetic period. The first one is characterized by massive, somewhat coarse shapes that were formed by the intersections of straight and broken lines. The second period (1909 – 1912) is characterized by the detailing of the subject of the image and included such genres as still life, landscape and portrait. Fracturing the whole form, the artist strived to penetrate into the structure of things in an analytical attempt to “find the most stable elements in the objects.” The central artistic technique of the synthetic period (1913-1914) was the use of collages. Pictures were synthesized from various materials and fragments (scraps of newspapers and clothes, pieces of wallpaper, matchboxes and stickers). The artists did not reproduce reality; rather, they visually embodied their knowledge of the depicted subject, and it was left to the viewer to imagine what was taking place in the pictures.

Key artists:

Pablo Picasso
Georges Braque
Marsden Hartley
Patrick Henry Bruce
Emil Filla
Andrew Michael Dasburg

Key ideas

– Cubism declared that art exists for itself, and not for the reproduction of reality.
– Cubism was to be an art that, according to Pablo Picasso, reproduces the world not as the artist sees it, but as he thinks it.
– The artistic conception of Cubism was based on an attempt to find the simplest spatial models and forms of things and phenomena in which all the complexity and diversity of life would be expressed.
The goal of Picasso and Braque was to construct a three-dimensional shape on the surface and divide it into geometric elements.


Mykhailo Fedorovich Andriienko-Nechytaylo was a Ukrainian artist and avant-garde stage designer. The central part of his artistic career was in France, where he was a representative of the Paris School of Fine Arts.Together with Kovzhun and Musyka, he organized the Association of Ukrainian Artists and helped young fellow artists who immigrated to France. Five paintings by Andrienko-Nechitailo, which appeared in the Lviv Art Museum, where the exhibitions of this association were held, were destroyed in 1952 as “formalist” and “without value”.Along with Alexander Arkhipenko, Mykhailo Andriienko managed to mirror the various directions of avant-garde painting of the 20th century in his multifaceted work. His solo exhibitions, except for a few in Paris, were successfully held in Rome, Berlin, Geneva, Amsterdam, and Chicago.A series of works by Mykhailo Andriienko in the style of neo-realism under the general title "Disappearing Paris" is of historical value as an art document of the capital of France.In the field of theatrical scenery, the works of Andriienko-Nechytailo occupy one of the first places in contemporary European art. The master proposed not only a great art form but also introduced a new understanding of the stage space in the chamber theater.Andriienko was a man of high culture and a multi-talented person. He fruitfully worked as an art critic and writer. Specialists characterize his stories and psychological novels as examples of highly artistic prose. His critical articles on art and aesthetic observations were published in the emigrant magazines Renaissance, New Life, and in the Munich Ukrainian journal “Suchasnist”.Being in the center of European cultural life, Andrienko luckily avoided imitations, having developed an original creative manner. The Ukrainian artist was one of the outstanding masters of the fine art of the XX century. His paintings and graphic works are in museums in Paris, New York, London, Rome, at the National Museum in Lviv (Ukraine), in numerous private collections.

1894 - 1982


An American artist and theorist, the central figure of the avant-garde of the 60s, the discoverer of the happening - a form of art in which the primary attention is paid to the process of creation. Allan Kaprow appreciated the moment of action in painting, putting it above the result.The fleeting, often quick and spontaneous actions of Kaprow erase the line between art and everyday life and immerse participants in the work, involving them in the creative process and destroying the notorious “fourth wall” between the work and the audience.In his theoretical writings, Allan Kaprow said that after the discoveries of Jackson Pollock and other Abstract Expressionists, painting could no longer exist in its original form. It must go beyond the canvas and move into everyday life.The master called himself “non-artist” and his works “anti-paintings”. “Life is much more interesting than art”, said Kaprow and created events outside galleries and museums: in courtyards, apartments, streets, squares and parking lots. Sometimes his works are even absurd - such as building houses from ice under the scorching California sun; they change the very perception of art and turn everyday life processes into creative acts.The principles of the creation of happening, which Allan Kaprow outlined in his work “How to Make a Happening”, were enthusiastically accepted by many post-war artists who tried to take a fresh look at modern creative methods. Thanks to the discoveries of the American innovator, such styles as installation, performance and conceptual art were further developed.

1927 - 2006


A world-famous Ukrainian artist and sculptor, an outstanding representative of Cubism and Abstractionism in sculpture and painting, who worked in France, Germany and the USA.Works of A. Arkhipenko turned over the established understanding of sculpture, showed the possibility of composing a single of various nonequivalent forms, using glass and wood, metal, fabrics and paper in one composition. The expressive constructivity and at the same time lyricism, extraordinary plasticity in the transmission of movement are the main qualities of the works of the artist and sculptor.The works of Arkhipenko, highly appreciated by his contemporaries Picasso and Duchamp, Leger and Rodchenko, Delaunay and Gris, enjoyed constant attention, caused positive feedback in the press and monographs. The innovative artist held over one and a half hundred solo exhibitions; he had and has many followers and researchers.The artist generously shared his extraordinary vision of visual creativity - his private studios in Paris, Berlin, various cities of America, as well as lectures and masterclasses with which he traveled around the cities, were attended by thousands of beginners and venerable sculptors and painters.He never lost touch with his compatriots - he was a member of the Ukrainian Student Club in Paris, a member of the Ukrainian Community in Berlin; in the USA, he joined the Association of Ukrainian Artists, the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences, worked at the Ukrainian Institute of the USA. He created four busts of Taras Shevchenko (one is installed in the Park of Nationalities in Cleveland), portraits of I. Franko, Ukrainian public figures. In Soviet Ukraine, the name of Arkhipenko was not mentioned until the thaw of the 1960s; five works from the Lviv Museum were destroyed in the 1950s, as were twenty-two works from German museums in the 1930s.

1887 - 1964


A Filipino artist, a bright representative of Cubism. Having been educated in the USA, Canada and Europe, the artist was in the forefront of the modernist movement in his country and played one of the key roles in the development of contemporary art in the Philippines. Manansala is known as the author of "transparent cubism", in which images are superimposed on each other and create a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. His paintings combine the most modern world art trends with local flavor and a deep understanding of the psychology of the people. Many works by V. Manansala reveal the theme of human deprivation and extreme poverty in post-war Manila. The artist’s colour palette is distinguished mainly by bright, sunny shades inherent in the nature of his motherland. Manansala's paintings are filled with spiritual light and sincere sympathy for the depicted characters. The artist believed that the true beauty of art arises in the process of its creation, and the central theme of each painting is love.

1910 - 1981


English painter William Roberts, revered for his large, complex and colourful compositions that he exhibited annually since the 1950s at the opening hours of the Royal Academy, was at the beginning of his career among the pioneers of the English art avant-garde. A member of Fry’s studio “Omega” and Vorticism group of Wyndham Lewis, Roberst positioned himself as a Cubist and for most of his very long creative career worked outside the mainstream.The artist, who had long served as the official military painter, was also elected a full member of the Royal Academy and awarded prizes. Roberts' works are not only in the collection of his London House Museum, but are also widely represented at the prestigious Tate Modern Gallery and other English and American museums and galleries.

1895 - 1980


A Spanish (Catalan) painter and sculptor, whose work had a huge impact on the entire generation of modern artists. Joan Miro's paintings are the earliest surrealistic works. They served as the basis for the further formation and development of the style that is extremely popular to this day.Joan Miro tried his hand in various modernist and avant-garde styles of European painting, but never stopped on one of them completely, constantly improving and enriching his artistic method, experimenting with different painting techniques and methods. The result of these experiments was his painting style based on surrealism. This is what allowed the artist to rethink the basic principles of fine art in accordance with his original vision of the surrounding reality.The unique world of Joan Miró is full of unique images and symbols. They are presented in the form of pure plastic signs located in an empty space; they are not completely abstract but rather resemble naive art or drawings of children. Miro’s paintings consist of geometric, right or wrong figures, a dance of twisting lines and small details that have mystical meaning and create an indescribable atmosphere of each work.

1893 - 1983


An English avant-garde artist, an active participant in the non-durable but radical movement “Vorticism” that appeared in London just before the First World War.Edward Wadsworth not only signed the Manifesto of the new association, but also created graphic compositions for Blast magazine, working closely with its chief editor, Wyndham Lewis. Having placed the magazine “Explosion” in Wadsworth’s hand in his canvas “Vorticists in the restaurant de la Tour Eiffel: Spring, 1915”, his colleague W. Roberts emphasized his significant role in the group. This was fundamentally important in the 1960s, when interest in the movement became more intense.The artist traveled a lot and contributed to the further development of the British avant-garde, introducing ideas of Surrealism into it. He was a member of such significant creative associations as the Paris group Abstraction-Création.

1889 - 1949


An Italian artist, an outstanding representative of the second wave of Futurism in painting, one of the first Surrealists in his country. Enrico Prampolini was an unusually gifted man who showed his talent in many branches of art. His contemporaries knew him as a theater set designer and designer, as well as an architect who created several fundamental works. Together with Gerardo Dottori, the artist worked in the style of aerial painting, creating works based on the feeling of flight, the features of the air perspective and speed.Prampolini was one of the authors of the Manifesto of Mechanical Art, which proclaimed the dominance of machines in the world of the future and the close connection of new technologies with painting. The artist believed that contemporary art should be based on the use of mechanical elements from the world of industry. In his works, he praised the coherence and rhythm inherent in the work of mechanisms.The painter’s art developed in close contact with the avant-garde movements of Europe. Prampolini knew Paris Cubists, and also took an active part in the work of the German Bauhaus movement. Being a supporter of the abstract geometric construction of the composition, which is characteristic of Italian Futurism, Prampolini gradually moved to a complete abstraction, including elements of surrealism.

1894 - 1956


A Belarusian painter, graphic artist, illustrator and stage designer of Jewish origin, a master of applied and monumental art of the 20th century. Marc Chagall became one of the most internationally recognized creators. When many of his fellow peers conducted ambitious experiments, often leading to abstraction, he sacredly believed in the power of figurative art, which he supported with his work.Despite the avant-garde ideas he perceived, he remained a romantic. Born in Belarus, Chagall worked in Russia and France, where he immediately became a prominent figure at the École de Paris, and later in the United States and the Middle East. Travels confirmed his image of the archetypal "wandering Jew", who believed that art destroys borders and estates.The influence of Marc Chagall is as vast as the number of styles that he assimilated in his art. Never completely agreeing with any movement, he mixed many of the visual elements of cubism, fauvism, symbolism and surrealism into his lyrically emotional aesthetics with the invariable presence of Jewish and Slavic folklore.Chagall, like Picasso, is a vivid example of a modern artist who created many works - paintings (oil, gouache, watercolour), frescoes, etching, stained glass, ceramic products, theater decorations and costumes.

1887 - 1985


An Italian painter, architect, sculptor and art critic. He worked mostly in Milan and Rome. The work of Mario Sironi overcame several cardinal changes during his long career. The artist made the greatest contribution to Futurism, enriching and supplementing it with his original finds, as well as to metaphysical painting, becoming its bright and original representative. He was also one of the creators of the “Novechento” style that tried to change the diversity of modernist movements with a more rational “return to order”.Mario Sironi was a master of the industrial landscape subtly feeling the rhythm and atmosphere of his era. His paintings are distinguished by twilight mood and dark tones, contrasting sharply with the bright and enthusiastic canvases of Futurists. Using a rather limited palette, thanks to his sense of colour and form Sironi managed to create a unique atmosphere of alienation and emptiness of the modern world.Like many of his colleagues, the artist supported the fascist regime and created murals and mosaics commissioned to the order of the government. After the fall of the Mussolini regime, he experienced a great shock and disappointment, which negatively affected his work, but he continued to actively paint until the end of his days.

1885 - 1961


Wyndham Lewis, the most famous English modernist, played a prominent role in both painting and literature. He is best known as the founder and the main representative of Vorticism, a specific branch of Futurism in the art that went far enough beyond its borders. Despite conventional methods, the idea of ​​this English avant-garde movement is not to glorify the mechanization of society, but in its detrimental effect. The name of the work that derived from the Italian «vortizto» (whirlwind) is taken from the statement by W. Boccioni, an Italian Futurist, that all creativity comes from a whirlwind of feelings. Through the journals he published, Lewis influenced the development of the pioneering British movement as a whole.He mostly created portraits – he depicted key representatives of the culture of England in the first half of the 20th century, whom he knew personally. In the plot genre, the most powerful is his cycle of works on military subjects: the artist participated in the First World War.

1882 - 1957


A Russian avant-garde painter of Ukrainian origin, a graphic artist and art theorist. The name of Aleksander Shevchenko is found in the catalogues of all significant exhibitions of progressive associations and groups - "World of Art" and "Union of Youth", "Jack of Diamonds" and "Donkey’s Tail”. Undeniable is Shevchenko’s contribution to the theoretical justification of the value of primitive art, the further use of the techniques of cubism and futurism, as well as the theory of “colour dynamos” based on a combination of the latest and archaic forms of pictorial art that he developed together with A. Grishchenko.Shevchenko became the organizer and chairman of the "Workshop of painters", who advocated easel art. As a teacher, he invited many of his students to join this movement. Despite his departure from the radical avant-garde, he was criticized as a "formalist" more than once.Paintings of the master are presented in the largest collections of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and many regional galleries and museums in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

1883 - 1948


An Italian painter and graphic artist, a representative of Futurism and Metaphysical painting. A creatively active artist and painting theorist, Carlo Carra was one of the most famous artists in Italy in the early decades of the 20th century and an influential member of the futuristic movement.The artist’s style changed dramatically several times over his long career. He survived several successive periods: early Neo-impressionism and Symbolism, Futurism, Cubism, metaphysics and neoclassical painting.The artist made the most significant contribution to Futurism. In his paintings, he skillfully combined the original techniques of cubism with dynamism and the bold innovation of futuristic ideology. Carra’s canvas of the futuristic period is filled with incredibly bright and energetic images, chaotic movement and wild emotions.During the war, he met with Giorgio de Chirico, with whom he founded a style known as metaphysical painting. Since then, he painted still lifes and interiors filled with ominous emptiness and mysterious silence. In the late 1920s, the artist completely abandoned the avant-garde art and defended the conservative aesthetics of Novecento.

1881 - 1966


A Russian avant-garde artist, painter and graphic artist, a stage designer, who worked in Paris for many years. In the history of Russian art, the name of N.S. Goncharova is closely associated with the name of M. Larionov: they worked together for 60 years, first in Russia, then in Paris. Unusually talented creators, collaborating, helped one another to establish their individuality.The artist called the Amazon of the avant-garde, a member of the Jack of Diamonds and Blue Horseman groups, a Futurist and Cubist painter, was a bold innovator in painting, a brilliant decorator that till now impresses art lovers with a rare variety of her great artistic talent.The so-called «Russian style» never existed in professional fine art before Goncharova's «Rooster». Inheriting the traditions of lubok art and using folk ideas about religion, the folklore of Egypt and her favourite Scythia, she, undoubtedly, combined all into a single harmonious style.

1881 - 1962


A Russian avant-garde artist, graphic illustrator, an outstanding figure of theater and cinema and writer. The style of the creator in fine art was revealed in the harmonious combination of Modern, Cubism and Futurism with the techniques of traditional painting.Annenkov’s significant gallery of acutely characteristic portraits of painters and writers, politicians and artists was formed – in 1922, 80 paintings that convey the appearance of key figures of the time - Akhmatova and Meyerhold, Pasternak and Mayakovsky, Remizov and Gorky, Zamyatin and Khlebnikov, Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Zinoviev and others – were included in the album “Portraits”. He was awarded the first prize for a portrait of Lenin in 1924 – it was printed on banknotes and stamps.It is impossible to overestimate his innovative contribution to the scenography of both Russian and French theaters. Working with Stanislavsky, Meyerhold, Komissarzhevsky, Baliev, Annenkov first put forward and embodied the idea of pointless kinetically changing scenery. As a film artist, he was awarded the Oscar.Boris Temiryazev created dramatic and prosaic works, journalism and memoirs “Diary of my meetings” under a pseudonym. Having written vivid and not always complimentary memories of Blok, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Zamyatin, Akhmatova, Pasternak became an author who was forbidden to publish his works in the USSR.

1889 - 1974


A Russian artist, one of the "Amazons" of the avant-garde in Russia. Udaltsova devoted most of her career to easel painting; in the late period of her work, she was engaged in graphics. The artist was an active member and exhibitor of the “Jack of Diamonds”, “World of Art”, “Supremus”, “Moscow Painters”, and “13”.Having successively passed through the stages of Cubism, Cubo-futurism and Suprematism that logically followed Constructive art, the artist moved away from the avant-garde, since she preferred the aesthetics of figurative painting.As a teacher, she developed the innovative Object in Space course for free art workshops and the Institute of Art Culture, where she began working as an assistant to Malevich. The artist devoted more than ten years to teaching - before being accused of formalism and dismissed.The art of Udaltsova, an artist of the era, is distinguished by harmony, the integrity of compositions, and boldness of experiments. Her paintings, which have undeniable artistic and collection value, are in the largest museums in Russia and private collections.

1886 - 1961


An outstanding Ukrainian painter and graphic artist, one of the main representatives of the avant-garde fine art of the first half of the 20th century. He worked in the genres of landscape, portrait, still life and plot painting. David Shterenberg was a talented teacher; among his numerous students and followers, there were such prominent masters as A. A. Deineka and others. A multi-talented personality and creator, he was a book artist and a master of theatrical scenery.Being ahead of the development of new styles, the artist developed a theory of minimalism in a still life, where elements of Primitivism and Cubism harmoniously combined. He developed and published the program treatise "Tasks of Contemporary Art." He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the USSR.The merit of the master in the world of art is that he defended the fundamental importance of easel painting in the general formation of a new aesthetics of the 20th century being in full solidarity with avant-garde art.

1881 - 1948


A Russian artist, an illegitimate son of famous landscape painter-wanderer Alexei Savrasov. Alexey Morgunov was at the center of the creative events and artistic ideas of the Russian avant-garde in the first two and a half decades of the 20th century, but subsequently completely abandoned it.The artist was an active member and exhibitor of the Moscow Association of Artists, Youth Union, Jack of Diamonds, became a participant in such landmark exhibitions as Tram V, Shop (Petrograd), Moscow Salon, and The World of Art, Fifth State Exhibition of Paintings in Moscow, etc.Morgunov was a close friend of Malevich. Together they invented different shocking events for Futurists. He was a regular at Kracht's salon of intellectuals; was fond of the theories of M. Larionov and N. Goncharova, working both in neo-primitivistic and cubo-futuristic manners. In terms of style of his early and late creative periods, he was the closest to French Fauvism.As a professor of painting, he taught at the State Free Workshops and was a member of the Objective Analysis group at the Institute of Artistic Culture. In the last decade of his creative career, moving away from the avant-garde, he created thematic paintings that are close to the style and meet the spirit of socialist realism.

1884 - 1935


An Italian painter, graphic artist, art theorist and critic. One of the first and most influential Futurists in the country. Gino Severini worked for a long time in the style of cubism, maintaining relations with Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in Paris.Under the influence of his teacher Giacomo Balla, the artist learned ways of expressing movement and speed in painting, which led him to Futurism. Together with several associates, he signed the first Futurism Manifesto in 1910.The artist’s works are distinguished by dynamism, mobility and swiftness. At the same time, an amazing balance of composition characteristic of Cubists defines Severini’s work. This feature allows you to partially resolve the contradictions between Futurism and Cubism, to combine their attempts to create what is impossible: to depict an object at the same time from several points of time, viewing angles and positions in space. In his work, the artist came to this goal as close as possible, managing to depict a really moving, sounding and lively picture. The artist is considered an unsurpassed master in depicting the bustling nightlife of the city.

1883 - 1966


A Ukrainian artist and poet, publisher, critic, who worked in Russia, Japan and America. One of the founders of the Russian and Ukrainian avant-garde traditionally referred to as the "father of Russian Futurism".He was an initiator of revolutionary ideas, which united many famous people (Lentulov and Exter, Bogomazov and Palmov, poets Mayakovsky and Kamensky, Kruchyonykh and Khlebnikov, Aseev and Guro), as well as the creator of the group "Gilea" - the first literary and artistic union of the Futurists. He was a member and organizer of innovative groups “Stefanos Wreath”, “Jack of Diamonds”, a member of the Moscow Youth Union and the Munich Blue Horseman.The master was the first in Bashkortostan to create images of the indigenous population, the first to transfer avant-garde to the land of Japan.The artist’s museum was created in Brooklyn (New York, the USA); the American International Zaumi Academy annually presents the prize “International Mark of D. Burliuk".

1882 - 1967


An Uzbek artist of Russian origin, one of the main founders of contemporary art in Central Asia, the organizer of several art associations of Uzbekistan, his motherland, where he worked fruitfully. The phenomenon of the Russian and Asian master lies in the fact that his best works are important not only for the formation of the Turkestan and Uzbek painting school but also for the history of art in general.The artist's legacy took a special place in the overall development of Central Asian art of the 20th century since it had its origins in the art of the East and the West. Volkov actively used traditional national motifs of arts and crafts and achieved monumentalism in creating images of ordinary workers, not losing touch with the cubist painting manner.Despite getting the title of People’s Artist in 1946, Alexander Volkov was accused of formalism in the same year; he was forbidden from exhibiting his paintings and teaching at the Tashkent Art College, where he had worked for almost 20 years.

1886 - 1957


A Belgian painter and draftsman, lithographer and illustrator.Frits van den Berghe was one of the most interesting Expressionist artists of the first half of the twentieth century and a prominent Surrealist. Starting his career under the influence of Symbolist artists and Lumists grouped in Laethem-Saint-Martin, he wrote a manifesto together with his friend, artist Gustave De Smet, who opposed Impressionism. As a member of the second wave of Laethem-Saint-Martin school, Berghe followed the latest trends in the visual arts of his country.The time of the First World War, a period of existential doubts when the artist lived in the Netherlands, was marked by his fascination with Cubist painting by French artist Henri Le Focognier, as well as an interest in Futurism and German Expressionism.At the end of the 1920s, having visited an exhibition, where, in particular, paintings of Ernst and Miro were exhibited, the artist moved away from other styles and devoted his art to attempts to overcome the barriers between real and irrational phenomena, life and death. Berge revealed his new surrealistic concept, in particular, in a theme that was original for this style - floral still lifes.Although Berghe's paintings often resemble works of Ernst and Ensor; his creations are the original Flemish version of Surrealism, with its great picturesqueness and expression. Berghe's works (the list of works, compiled in 1966, consists of 430 items) are presented in most Belgian museums and galleries in Europe.

1883 - 1939


A Romanian painter and sculptor of Jewish origin, the main representative of the vanguard of this country in the first half of the 20th century and during the post-war period. The artist made a significant part of his creative career in France. Although Victor Brauner, after his early post-impressionist and expressionist experiences, contributed to every avant-garde movement, much of his work fits into the concept of Surrealism.Active in the cultural life of his country, the artist tried to develop avant-garde movements - he founded the magazine “75 HP” in Bucharest, wrote the “Manifesto of Picto-Poetry,” and organized exhibitions of Dadaists and Surrealists. However, the threat of falling into the dungeons of the Nazis forced the artist to settle in France.Brauner was an active and influential member of the Surrealist association headed by Andre Breton; however, according to art expert, his art stood apart due to the artist’s unbridled imagination and, most importantly, his serious passion for esoteric ideas and the authentic art of different nationalities. This style made the artist original, especially after he lost his eye – the same one, which he depicted as knocked out in his self-portrait seven years before it happened in real.Victor Brauner was a participant in major surrealist exhibitions; in 1966 (in the year of his death), he was chosen to represent France at the Venice Biennale. He willed to make the inscription, "Painting is life, real life, my life" on the grave plate of the Montmartre cemetery.

1903 - 1966


Arshile Gorky (his real name was Vostanik Manoug Adoian) was an American artist of Armenian descent, an outstanding artist of the USA of the twentieth century. He was a vivid representative of Surrealism and one of the founders of Abstract Expressionism, a movement that affirmed the independence and uniqueness of American fine art in the world.Vostanik Manoug Adoian decided to change his name after immigrating to the United States, where he began a completely new life, leaving behind extreme poverty and deprivation. The greatest shock for the artist was the demise of his mother, who died of hunger in his arms in 1919. The influence of this event is noticeable in many works of the artist, especially in the portraits of his mother, the variations of which he created throughout his career.The life of Arshile Gorky, which ended in suicide, was full of tragedy, and his personality is surrounded by a halo of mystery and secrets. The artist himself preferred to distort the facts of his biography, creating various myths about his origin, childhood and student years. These incredible inventions, however, could not overshadow his outstanding achievements in painting. The work of Arshile Gorky is a unique phenomenon that is difficult to characterize as a manifestation of one of the existing styles. It is a transitional stage between classical painting and avant-garde and had a significant impact on the development of modern painting in the United States.

1904 - 1948


An innovative Czech artist, photographer, graphic artist and theater decorator, poet and art theorist, the brightest figure of European Surrealism of the 20th century. Jindrich Styrsky is also considered a representative of the Paris school of painting, since he lived and worked in France for a considerable time.The student of the Prague Academy of Arts was a part of Czech artistic bohemia and national avant-garde associations during its development between the two world wars - first in the Devestil group, then in the Manes group, and later in the surrealist community, one of the founders of which J. Styrsky became in 1934. In addition, the artist stood at the origins of the emergence of avant-garde photographic art and new scenography in Prague - he ran the Free Theater of the Czech capital.In the 1930s, Styrsky was the editor of the private magazine “The Erotic Revue” with illustrations from many famous Czech artists. The artist supplemented each issue with his collages. Among the most important surrealistic works is “Emily Comes to Me in a Dream”, which was published accompanied by erotic photomontages by the author and psychoanalytic interpretation of B. Brook. It greatly accelerated the overcoming of taboos and censorship of the bourgeois culture of that time.Jindrich Styrsky is a very peculiar, and, therefore, is not just a readable artist of Czech interwar art. His works are approved by modern European avant-garde classics and are presented in the most visited museums and galleries of the Czech Republic.

1899 - 1942


A Russian painter, sculptor, graphic artist and stage designer of Jewish origin, who combined the features of Russian Art Nouveau and avant-garde in his original work. One of the most famous and prominent Yiddish theater artists. Almost one decade spent in France did not make him a member of the Paris School of Art; accused of formalism, Robert Falk rarely exhibited his paintings in his motherland for the last twenty years of his creative career. However, he continued to create easel paintings “for himself”. He showed his works privately as a representative of unofficial art, the inspirer of which he became when he was young. He supported many young artists who visited his workshop.

1886 - 1958


An outstanding Hungarian painter and graphic artist, publicist and art theorist. Janos Kmetti was the first Cubist in his country and an influential teacher that educated a whole generation of young artists. Studying at the world-famous Julian Academy in Paris, he adopted the most advanced artistic traditions of Europe and enriched the art of Hungary with new avant-garde movements and painting methods. The career of the artist is tightly connected with the literary and artistic association Tett (Action), headed by Lajos Kassák. Together with a few associates, he was one of the founders of the New Society of Artists and its vice chairman in 1924. Kmetty also took an active part in the life of the art colony of Nagybánya and Szentendre and showed his works at collective exhibitions of Hungarian avant-garde artists both at home and abroad. In 1949, the artist was awarded the National Kossuth Prize - the honorary state award of Hungary; his autobiographical and theoretical works are important sources of information for art historians.

1889 - 1975


A Ukrainian artist of Jewish origin, who lived and worked in Russia for a long time. He was a portrait master, graphic illustrator, sculptor and theatre artist. The prominent avant-garde artist was a founding member of Russian cubism, a member of such significant creative groups as The World of Art and The Union of Youth, one of the founders of the Jewish Society for the Promotion of Arts. He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia in 1968.

1889 - 1970


An outstanding Ukrainian artist Alexander Osmerkin was a member of the “Jack of Diamonds” art group, many other associations and groups, worked as a professor of painting at several higher art educational institutions and headed a personal workshop. In the 1940s, he came under the definition of “formalist” and “propagandist of Western art”, was dismissed from the Academy. He was forbidden to execute orders, exhibit and sell his works. Accepting the merits and talent of the master, the graduates of his workshop held the exhibition “In Memory of the Teacher”. An art and memorial museum was opened in the city of Kropyvnytskyi, the homeland of the artist, in the mansion where Osmerkin’s childhood passed; one prize is awarded in his name.

1892 - 1953


A Spanish artist, sculptor and poet, an outstanding figure of Spanish Surrealism, along with Salvador Dali and Joan Miro. Oscar Dominguez was an ambiguous and controversial artist whose life ended tragically. As a child, he had acromegaly, which resulted in deformation of the bones of his face and limbs. Oscar’s non-standard appearance caused profound spiritual experiences, which were reflected in many of his works, especially self-portraits.Paintings of the Spanish artist reflect the events of his life and are often provocatively shocking. They show everything that usually hides deep in the subconscious and is considered dirty and obscene. Dominguez often used the method of distorting objects and compared incompatible things, creating a strange and eerie atmosphere in his paintings.The artist is also known as the author of the popular decalcomania method that was popular among Surrealists. The essence of this technique is in the chaotic application of a thick layer of paint on the surface, followed by the imposition of a second sheet on it, resulting in a fancy imprint. With its unpredictable effects, decalcomania presented new ideas to artists and awakened their imagination. Andre Breton included this method in his famous "Surrealism Handbook", thus recognising the significant contribution of Dominguez in the common matter of the approval of this art movement.

1906 - 1957


A German representative of avant-garde, a prominent artist, sculptor, master of monumental painting, as well as a choreographer, theater designer and art theorist. For about 10 years he worked at the famous Bauhaus school of art and industry (Bauhaus, Weimar), developing the training course “Der Mensch” (Man), which was based on the synthesis of the techniques of several artistic disciplines and different styles. Oscar Schlemmer made a significant contribution to the art of scenography, creating design and choreography for several operas and ballets. The artist’s paintings were included in the list of “degenerative”; he was forbidden to paint and work as a teacher at art schools.

1888 - 1943


The American painter and graphic artist of Jewish origin and was born in Belarus. He created his works in various styles, such as realism (mystical and social), purism, cubism and surrealism.

1906 - 1992


A Russian painter and graphic artist, book illustrator and film artist. Mikhail Tsybasov was among the followers of Pavel Filonov, who formed the core of the group “Masters of Analytical Art” and remained faithful to his teacher until the end, despite the persecution that he was subjected to by the Soviet government.In his work, the artist strictly followed the basic principles of the system of analytical art. Hardworking and purposeful Tsybasov did everything masterfully. His hard work and professionalism allowed him to master the “principle of accomplishment”, which was fundamental for representatives of analytical art.Mikhail Tsybasov actively participated in the collective work of Filonov’s students on the design of costumes and sets for the production of “The Inspector General”, thanks to which the group’s work became widely known. In 1931, he became one of the most prominent developers of illustrations of the Finnish ethnic epic “Kalevala”, investing a lot of strength and energy in this publication. Eight large illustrations for the poem became one of the best graphic works of the artist and in many respects formed his graphic style, determining the theme and manner of his subsequent work.In the last years of his life, the artist focused mainly on portraits, where he fully expressed his bright and positive attitude towards people and life.

1904 - 1967


A Russian painter and graphic artist, one of the first students of Pavel Filonov and a talented follower of the method of analytical art. Pavel Kondratiev was a member of a circle of young artists, musicians and writers who collaborated with Isaiah Braudo, Maria Yudina, and Tatyana Glebova. He was a close friend of Alice Poret and for some time lived in her house, where a creative atmosphere reigned and meetings of people of art took place. The artist also became a regular character of several verses of famous poet Daniil Kharms and maintained friendly relations with him.The artist was famous not only for his numerous paintings and graphic works but also as an art theorist and a talented teacher. In the post-war period, a kind of “Kondratyev's circle” supporting his creative ideas formed around him. The painter collaborated with Vladimir Sterligov and together with him used the so-called "surplus element" in painting - a curved line that formed the basis of the famous "cup-dome" system.Kondratiev’s work is a kind of synthesis of several areas of the Russian avant-garde. He possessed a special talent to feel the pulse of his era and to combine seemingly incompatible styles and trends in his works. The works of Pavel Kondratiev are a unique fusion of scientific theories and the deep spirituality inherent in the real Artist.

1902 - 1985


A Russian painter and graphic artist of German-Jewish origin, master of the monumental genre (in particular, the mosaic), film artist, art theorist, talented art history teacher, poet and writer.Pavel Zaltsman can be hardly called a consistent successor of the ideas of analytical art, but as a student of P.N. Filonov he brought his ideas to the artistic environment of Kazakhstan, where he lived for more than 40 years and became an Honored Artist (1962).According to specialists, Zaltsman was a paradoxical figure: having no formal art education, he became one of the most profound and virtuosic masters of the 20th century. Repeatedly standing on the verge of death, he almost miraculously survived and again turned to creative activity. Not being an illustrator, but possessing a “literary” type of thinking, he left a legacy that is considered impeccable material for illustration.The phenomenon lies in the family education, inherited talents, and in communication with P. Filonov from the age of 17, who not only instilled taste in him and taught him to paint, but also taught to always be faithful to his vocation.Steadfastly enduring the difficulties of survival in conditions of extreme poverty, hunger, besieged life, lack of housing, chronic lack of money, despite the certain recognition in the 1970s, the artist remained a thinker and philosopher.Zaltsman's works are in the collections of the Russian Museum, his graphics are presented in the permanent exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, the State Museum of Art of Kazakhstan, in many private collections.

1912 - 1985


A Czech artist, a painter, lithographer, graphic artist, book illustration master. Maria Cherminova, the brightest and most significant representative of poeticism and surrealism in the Czech Republic, took the pseudonym Toyen at an early age. Its origins can be interpreted as from the French “Citoyen” - a citizen, and from the Czech phrase, meaning, “this is he”. In both cases, the new name did not give her gender identity. Maria, who tried to break down stereotypes, became a cult figure both in the Czech Republic and in Paris, where she was supported, in particular, by Andre Breton, a leading figure of Surrealism.Toyen was an original and self-sufficient creator. She perceived Surrealism as a driving force of imagination, as well as of the social and political progress. The artist became one of the organisers of the Surrealistic community in Prague. Many of her paintings from the second half of the 1930s also had strong political and anti-war meaning.Hostile to bourgeois conformism, Toyen challenged values ​​based on totalitarianism. The artist left Prague after the Nazi occupation considering the communist regime imposed on the country unacceptable for the creator.In Paris, she participated in the activities of the surrealist group of A. Breton. Although the life and work of Toyen made a great contribution to the development of feminist art, she herself never entered into discussions, did not speak openly about feminism or about her sexual orientation. Nevertheless, experts consider her a pioneer of free female art.

1902 - 1980


An outstanding Spanish artist who worked in France for a long time and became a representative of the Paris school of painting. In contrast to her more famous Cubist compatriots Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris, Maria Gutierrez Blanchard, during her lifetime, mostly influenced the artistic renewal of Spanish fine art in the early twentieth century, as she worked at home, participated in national shows and worked as a teacher. The artist is considered a key figure of the Spanish avant-garde; her paintings are a valuable part of the collections of national museums and expositions in Europe.

1881 - 1932


An eminent English artist and sculptor, a connoisseur and collector of works of art, a teacher and publicist. Roland Penrose was one of the key figures of British Surrealism, and also a founder of the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, which was the center of the country's avant-garde culture. For a long time, the artist was a curator at the famous Tate Gallery and did a lot to acquaint compatriots with advanced art movements of Europe.The work of the British artist is mostly collages or paintings made in the collage style. In his works, the artist often used tourist postcards depicting famous places or architectural monuments, connecting them in various combinations, and creating his own original vision of world famous objects. The unexpected combination of incompatible things is the main idea of Penrose's art, which is reflected both in his canvases and in sculpture.The name of Roland Penrose is often mentioned in connection with his book "Picasso: Life and Work", which is one of the most reliable sources of information about the great artist, with whom the author had been friends for many years. Apart from this work, Penrose also issued monographs about his contemporaries, including Joan Miro, Antoni Tapies and Man Ray.

1900 - 1984


A painter, graphic artist, illustrator, theater designer and the creator of the school of primitive art in the village of Hlebine. Together with his associates, Krsto Hegedusic founded an independent artistic group called Earth in 1929. This group fought for social justice and equality in society, for which it was persecuted by the state. The artist often visited the village of Hlebine, where he spent his childhood; in 1930, he began to teach painting to talented local peasants Ivan Generalich and Franjo Mraz. This was the beginning of the famous Hlebine school of naive art, which glorified the work of Croatian primitive artists around the whole world.

1901 - 1975


A Czech artist, graphic illustrator, stage designer and writer. Jan Zrzavy was one of the leading representatives of the 20th-century national art avant-garde, one of the founders of the creative association of artists “Sursum”, a member of the Czech Artists Association “Manes” and the Union of Graphic Artists “Gollar”. In 1937, the Nazis declared the master’s works “degenerative art”. In 1965, he was awarded the title People's Artist of Czechoslovakia. In the gallery of Jan Zrzavy in Telci, works that he bequeathed to his people are exhibited.


A Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator, who became one of the most striking, original and significant representatives of early European Surrealism, and later, in the period after the Second World War, was a master of abstract landscape painting.Josef Sima is equally referred to the Paris School of Surrealism, since he worked in France long time (around 50 years). At the same time, the artist always kept in touch with the Czech artistic community and was a member of art groups in his homeland.After receiving a special and versatile education at the Prague High Technical School and the Academy of Fine Arts of the Czech capital, J.Sima became one of the founders of the Czech art group «Devestil»; after moving to Paris he participated in the activity of the Surrealist group «Grand Jeu» and became a co-founder and designer of a magazine with the same name.The artist entered the history of the fine art as a talented illustrator of frequently reprinted collections of Czech and French poets, whom he kept in touch with.Josef Sima became an important figure in modern European art, was awarded the title of the Officer of the Legion of Honor. The largest collection of his paintings is at the Paris Georges Pompidou Center and at the gallery of the Szech city of Brno. The artist's works are highly valued at art auctions in Europe.

1891 - 1971


A Polish avant-garde artist of Jewish origin, who worked in France for most of his life and became a full-fledged representative of the Paris school of painting. The artist’s works are in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art of Paris (Center J. Pompidou), the prestigious London Tate Modern Gallery and the Museum du Petit Palais (Geneva, Switzerland), the Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) and other prestigious collections of fine art.

1883 - 1970


Oscar Agustín Alejandro Schulz Solari (Xul Solar) was an Argentine artist, sculptor, writer and musician. Oscar Augustin Alejandro Schulz Solari, better known as Xul Solar, played a significant role in the development of Argentina's avant-garde art. He organized many art exhibitions, was friendly with Argentinean writers and was a member of the Florida group, the members of which followed cutting-edge trends in painting and literature.

1887 - 1963


A German avant-garde artist, illustrator and teacher who worked in America. Richard Lindner worked in his own unique style, called "mechanical cubism" for the unusual combination of a human figure with elements of various machines in his paintings. A successful commercial artist, Lindner began to create paintings at the age of forty and managed to achieve great popularity and recognition in this area. His paintings were awarded several prestigious prizes, and his personal exhibitions were regularly held throughout Europe and the United States, where he emigrated after the outbreak of World War II. Being a vivid and true reflection of the era, the work of Richard Lindner served as the basis for the emergence and development of new styles in American art, in particular pop art, which became one of the main art movements in the country in the middle of the twentieth century.

1901 - 1978


A Lithuanian painter, master of applied graphics, a prominent art historian, teacher and talented organizer. As a bright representative of the second wave of Russian Suprematism and Constructivism, the artist actively promoted the ideas of new art close to Russian Suprematism in the style of Malevich and Constructivism in the style of Tatlin, as well as such styles as Cubism and Futurism.In 1923, the artist was the first to widely and officially introduce avant-garde art to Lithuanian artists and the public by organizing the New Art Exhibition in Vilnius. The process in this country was much slower, and the efforts undertaken by Kairiūkštis and his like-minded people to introduce the ideas of the European avant-garde significantly accelerated changes in Lithuanian art.At the invitation of Kairiūkštis, Polish Constructivists from “The Bloc” participated in the “New Exhibition”. This allowed Lithuanian artists to become members of this Warsaw association, and later to join the “Present Tense” group.For about 10 years, the artist headed the painting department at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, organized his own studio, and also worked in Kaunas. As a result of his active pedagogical activity, the entire generation of his compatriots was encouraged to radically depart from Academism.As a researcher of the Lithuanian modernist era, Vytautas Kairiūkštis published a monograph about his fellow countryman, watercolor artist Kajetonas Sklėrius, several articles on the work of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis and a number of articles on the theory and history of fine art.

1890 - 1961


A Georgian artist, graphic artist and master of scenography, as well as an art historian, inventor and teacher. David Kakabadze was an innovator not only in the field of fine arts but also in cinematography, who patented a film apparatus for volumetric shooting. His work is characterized by love for various European modern trends and by both a commitment to national themes and traditions and a distinctive interpretation of avant-garde art movements of the 20th century. The painter left a rich artistic legacy. The largest collection of his paintings belongs to the national museums and galleries of Georgia.

1889 - 1952


A Swedish artist and writer, one of the first modernists in his country. Gösta Adrian-Nilsson, who signed his paintings with the acronym GAN, was a comprehensively gifted person. He painted in various avant-garde styles, was an active member of the German progressive group Der Sturm (Storm, Berlin), created talented illustrations for the works of his contemporaries, and also wrote his own poems and fairy tales for children. A great admirer of Oscar Wilde in his youth, Adrian-Nilsson adored the decadent movement of the late 19th century, but at the beginning of the next century joined German Expressionists, Italian Futurists, and later French Cubists, making a considerable contribution to the spread of these art movements in his homeland.

1884 - 1965


An outstanding Argentinean artist, painter and cartoonist, master of scenery, illustrations and mosaic technology, spent the last period of his long creative career in Paris. He was one of the most influential avant-garde artists of Argentina in the 20th century and became famous for his unique style, combining the tendencies of different art movements in contemporary visual art. Galleries and museums in Europe, the United States and other countries purchased the master's works. However, most are in private collections; hundreds of paintings by the popular artist are exhibited annually at art auctions.

1892 - 1971


An English artist, one of the prominent figures of British avant-garde painting. A student of the famous Slade School, David Bomberg was one of the so-called “Whitechapel Boys”, artists from East London, many of who made important contributions to the visual arts of England. He was a member of the “London Group”, an association of artists of various modernist art movements. Bomberg exhibited his paintings at the New England Art Club and was a talented teacher, whose students were famous artists. The First World War, in which he was directly involved, had a profound effect on the artist's work, fundamentally changing his attitude to art. Despite the fact that the works of David Bomberg are considered the most vivid examples of the English avant-garde movement of Vorticism, he did not consider himself to be a representative this movement, always being independent in his creative style.

1890 - 1957


A Russian Italian-born artist who worked in France for many years. Repin's pupil and a brilliant representative of the Russian avant-garde in the early period of his creative work, Jean Pougny worked in the manner of Fauvism and lyrical primitivism in the longer Parisian period of his career.He was the organizer and sponsor of such avant-garde exhibitions as "Tram B" and the last futuristic exhibition "0, 10". In collaboration with his wife, artist Ksenia Boguslavskaya, he wrote a manifesto declaring the liberation of creativity from semantic content. Together with Malewicz, he gave a lecture on “Cubism - Futurism - Suprematism” and became a founding member of the union “Freedom to Art” and the community “0, 10”.He was a professor at the Petrograd free art workshops, collaborated with the newspaper “The Art of the Commune”, at the invitation of Marc Chagall taught at the Vitebsk Folk art school. Having emigrated to Germany, he wrote a controversial book “Modern Art”, which contained not only biased analysis, but also sharp criticism of non-subject matter.Becoming a French citizen, he was twice awarded the Legion of Honor. Pougny’s work of different periods is represented at many museums around the world - except for Russia; those are in France, the United States, Great Britain and other countries.

1892 - 1956


A Ukrainian avant-garde artist, painter and designer, an active and prominent participant in various latest art movements and groups of the 1910-1920s of the 20th century. He is often referred to as “Ukrainian Picasso” in art history. He was the author and designer of such innovative projects at that time as book and propaganda vans, prefabricated kiosks and advertising stands. He worked productively in industrial graphics, developing design for packaging, factory and brand names and so on. Being engaged in the processing of fonts, he created new original styles. He wrote many easel paintings in the genres of landscape and portrait, and also painted covers for avant-garde magazines and books. Yermylov can be called an associate member of the activities of El Lissitzky and Alexander Rodchenko; he was a friend of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Velemir Khlebnikov and Vasily Kamensky. The post-revolutionary development of art in Kharkov is often called the “Yermylov period” - he is deservedly considered the leader of the Ukrainian Constructivist school and a key figure in the country's avant-garde. The master’s works are, in addition to Ukrainian and Russian major museums of modern art, in galleries and museums in the USA, Germany, France, and are in demand at international auctions. In Kharkov, in 2012, the first center of contemporary art was opened, named "Yermylov Center" after the innovative artist.

1894 - 1968


A Russian artist, graphic artist, designer, stage designer, a major avant-garde master, whose short creative career evolved in the revolutionary era. Lyubov Popova participated in the practical embodiment of the three most important styles - cubism, suprematism and constructivism, wrote programs for students. In 2009, the Tate Gallery in London reconstructed the exhibition “5 x 5 = 25” (Moscow, 1921), organized by the artist along with like-minded people, as the most important for understanding the development of the Russian avant-garde. In 2012, one of the craters of Mercury was named in honor of Popova.

1889 - 1924


A Ukrainian artist and graphic artist, designer and set designer, who worked for a considerable time in Moscow. V. Tatlin was the founder of the Art Constructivism and the largest representative of the innovative movement in the art of the 20th century. The symbol of this art movement is the “Tatlin’s Tower”, developed by the innovator in 1919.

1885 - 1953


The largest Russian artist, painter and set designer.One of the founders of the Russian avant-garde, Aristarkh Lentulov is certified as a brave experimenter and a "sunny" artist in the history of fine art. He was a member of the Jack of Diamonds group and was one of the first to work at the junction of figurative and subjectless painting; he was the first to choose a colour as the orientation in painting. The organizer and chairman of the Society of Moscow Artists, a professor at several educational institutions.

1882 - 1943


A French painter and sculptor, a bright representative of avant-garde movements in his country and the United States. Andre Masson, a close friend of A. Breton, J. Miro, M. Ernst, was one of the largest early French Surrealist artists. Then, abandoning the main ideas of this style, he focused on the expressive image of impulses of love and hate, acutely reacting to the tragic events in Europe. Forcefully living in America for several years, the artist was interested in ancient, African-American and Native American mythology, putting modern sound into the plots. His style influenced many young American artists who developed Abstract Expressionism. A. Masson wrote, “painful contradictions are the source of the greatest artistic inspiration”; his identification as a Surrealist is ambiguous, although it was he who was the most ardent supporter of the release of the subconscious. Throughout his life, Masson had a huge number of exhibitions throughout Europe and in the United States; his works, including those created in a unique style with the use of sand, are at the most significant contemporary art galleries and museums of the world.

1896 - 1987


A Spanish (Catalan) artist, master of lithography and engraving, a representative of the large Emporda school of Surrealism. When he was a teenager, he was a friend of Salvador Dali, who greatly influenced him. A little later, Angel Planells made friends with Rene Magritte and other Surrealist artists in Cadaqués. The artist participated in exhibitions held in the cities of Spain and Paris. Three of his works were included in the First London Surrealist Exhibition. One of them was bought by an influential avant-garde collector and expert, the organizer of the vernissage, Roland Penrose; that was a real success and recognition of Planells' originality. The civil war in the artist’s homeland led to a significant break in his creative career that had begun successfully: at the times of Franco, the master could not work in the style of surrealism openly, created landscapes and still lifes. The artist returned to this style more thoroughly in the 1960s. Being a shy person and introvert, Angel did not talk about his paintings; he almost never left his native places and always remained in the shadow of his great compatriot Salvador Dali. However, as noted in the preface to the vernissage of 70 paintings, “Surrealism in Catalonia. Artists of Emporda and S. Dali ”, which took place at the State Hermitage Museum (Russia, St. Petersburg) in 2016, Angel Planells was on the list of significant Surrealists after Dali.

1901 - 1989


A Ukrainian painter and graphic artist, art historian and critic, art theorist and memoirist, who lived and worked in France for a long time.He was one of 10 children of the director of a local bank. At the insistence of his mother, he studied at the Chernigov seminary, where he met writer M. Kotsyubinsky, with whom he kept in touch for a long time.One of well-known avant-garde artists, A. Gritchenko was an active member of the Paris group of Ukrainian artists, maintained constant contacts with AIUA in Lviv (Association of Independent Ukrainian Artists). A participant and, since 1931, a member of the Paris Salons, whose works are represented, in addition to France and Ukraine, at the national museums of modern art of Copenhagen, Brussels, Madrid, Oslo, Boston, Philadelphia, as well as at the State Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery (Russia). Of particular value are the theoretical studies of A.V. Gritchenko in the field of art and books of memories.

1883 - 1977


A German painter, graphic artist and sculptor, a representative and theorist of the first in Germany association of expressionist "Bridge" ("Die Brücke", Dresden-Berlin), a participant in the "New Secession".639 works of the artist were removed from the galleries and museums of Germany being ranked as “degenerative art”. 25 of them were included in the exhibition of “degenerates”; hundreds of works were destroyed by the Nazis. The E. Kirchner Museum was opened in 1992 near Davos, where the artist lived for over 20 years; there is a collection of more than 1,400 paintings by the famous Expressionist.

1880 - 1938


An American and French artist of Jewish origin, photographer, director, publicist, the most famous representative of Cubism and Dadaism, who played an important role in the development and dissemination of these and other new trends on the American continent.

1890 - 1976


Russian artist, restorer and teacher Nikolai Gushin received recognition as an author of landscapes, still lifes and plot compositions, draftsman.He was born into a poor family of a village teacher in the village of Taloklyuchinsky Vyatka province. He spent his childhood and youth in provincial Perm’, where the family had moved. In 1908-1910, simultaneously with studying at the Bekhterevsky Psychoneurological Institute (general education department, St. Petersburg), Gushin was a student of Ya. S. Goldblatt, visited his preparatory classes of painting and drawing.Not betraying his style of the symbolism of images, he painted ordered portraits, which were liked by the public and willingly bought by art collectors. The artist participated in the Paris Salons, exhibited his paintings at the Royal Academy of London, in the cities of Germany and the United States. An active organizer of the art school in Saratov and the first creative association of the Prikamye "Union of Free Artists". Gushin’s works are exhibited at the city museums of Paris and Grenoble, Monte Carlo and Nice, but the largest collection belongs to the Saratov Art Museum.

1888 - 1965


A Russian and Soviet painter, graphic artist and book illustrator, master of stage set and stage costume.He was born into a family of Peter Petrovich Konchalovsky, a hereditary nobleman, a writer, translator and publisher. In the 1890's, he studied at the Kharkov Art School, visited the evening classes of the Imperial Stroganov School of Art and Industry. After that, he studied at the private academy of Julian in Paris.Peter Petrovich Konchalovsky was one of the founders and active participants of the art association "Knave of Diamonds" and its chairman from 1911. He was also a member of the progressive art associations "Union of Youth" (since 1911), "The World of Art" (with interruptions until 1922), "Genesis" (in 1926-1927). He was an academician and full member of the Academy of Arts of the country, a laureate of prestigious awards.

1876 - 1956


A Russian and Soviet artist, a teacher and a memoirist. He worked in such styles as Post-Impressionism and Rayonism. He worked in the genres of easel and monumental painting, as well as a graphic and book illustrator.Was born into the family of an inspector supervising homes for the orphans named after Empress Maria Fyodorovna. The mother of the future artist, Sophia Nensberg, a Swedish woman, was fond of drawing and became the first teacher of her son, though sometimes the drawings of her son outraged her.Romanovich was an active participant and even a "builder" of such groups as "Rayonists and Futurists", "Makovets", "Four Arts". The artist worked much as a teacher of drawing and painting in Voronezh and in Moscow. Talented essayist Romanovich wrote essays and sketches about famous artists-compatriots, such as N. Ge, M. Larionov, P. Bromirsky, P. Mituriche, as well as P. Picasso and Van Gogh.Paintings of the artist decorate theaters, pavilions, industrial buildings of major cities of the USSR. The artist's paintings are in the main museums in Russia and in many regional museums and galleries of the country.

1894 - 1968


A Russian artist, decorator, graphic artist, one of the bright and active founders of the Russian avant-garde in its several directions. He worked in the styles of late Impressionism and Fauvism, Primitivism and Futurism, Rayonism, Surrealism.The artist was born into a military paramedic's family. Mikhail liked to paint from childhood and often returned to Tiraspol for summer sketches.Larionov was the inventor and theorist of the style of "Rayonism", which was recognized in the history of the world culture and was a forerunner and an integral part of the non-objective art, but existed mainly in Russia. Bright organizational talent manifested itself in the organization of famous groups "Jack of Diamonds" and "Donkey's Tail". As a decorator and costume designer, he worked in many productions of S. Diaghilev's Russian Ballets.In Paris, Larionov appeared as a graphic artist and as an outstanding theater artist. His sketches for decorations and costumes became independent works and were included in collections of museums and private collections, like "Lady with a fan".Whatever Larionov created, his living art has an amazing ability not to leave the viewer indifferent.

1881 - 1964


A Mexican artist and monumentalist, graphic artist and sculptor, a vivid representative of the avant-garde, who worked in several new styles and promoted national traditions and culture by his work.Rufino was a Zapotec Indian by blood, although he did not look like a purebred Indian. After the death of his mother, the boy was brought up by his aunt, in whose shop in Mexico City he helped to trade. In the future, the young artist had a predilection for "fruit" still lifes.The master received many prestigious awards, his personal vernissages were held, except for Mexico, in the US and Europe. The museum of Rufino Tamayo was opened in the artist's native city Oaxaca in the south of Mexico. In the capital of Mexico, there is the Museum-Gallery of R. Tamayo, to which the artist donated a large and very valuable collection of paintings by contemporary artists (Picasso, Braque, Leger, Bacon, etc.).

1899 - 1991


An American artist, a representative of Cubism and pop art in painting. Stuart Davis is an icon of contemporary art, whose work combines European art tradition with a truly American culture and lifestyle.Stuart's father was an art editor of the art department of “Philadelphia Press” and worked closely with many famous artists, including John Sloane, George Lax and Robert Henry. The artist's mother was a talented sculptor, and the boy was close to the world of art from childhood.The artist is considered the founder of modernist painting in the United States, in particular, the style of pop art, which has become a phenomenal world discovery. Being the head of the Union of Artists and the national chairman of the Congress of American Artists, Davis always advocated the accessibility of art to the broad masses and tried to influence the country's socio-political environment through his creativity. For active work and outstanding achievements in the visual arts, the artist was twice awarded the International Guggenheim Prize in 1958 and in 1960. The works of Stuart Davis made a revolution in American painting, making it public and understandable for everyone, and highlighting the unique nature of the nation.The work of Stuart Davis is a unique phenomenon not only in American but also in the world painting. Pictures of this amazing and very bright artist represent a mosaic of images, symbols and colors familiar to everyone and directly affecting the emotions of the viewer.Many of the representatives of Abstract expressionism and Abstract surrealism considered themselves the followers of Davis.

1894 - 1964


Hungarian avant-garde artist, who lived and worked in France for many years and became a part of the Paris School of Painting.He began his creative career as a realist, close to naturalism. He was born into the family of the owner of the famous cafe "Balaton". At the age of 11, he became deaf because of meningitis and was forced to abandon his studies at the gymnasium, graduating only after 4 classes. He inherited his artistic talent from his mother. He studied at the Székesfehérvár Industrial School of L. Telegdi and J. Böhm (1903-1905) and in private schools. Later, studying objectivity tension and applying a variety of innovative techniques, he came to more thematically emotional painting, the form of which was more vanguard. In his motherland, he was a member of such progressive associations of masters of fine arts as HIRC (Hungarian Impressionists and Naturalists Circle) and "Nyolcak" ("The Eight"). In Paris, Lajos Tihanyi was one of the representatives of the international group "Abstraction-Création", which actively worked between 1931 and 1936. Paintings exhibited not only in Budapest, but also in Europe (Vienna, Berlin, Paris) and the United States. They are now in several museums and galleries around the world.

1885 - 1938


Tyko Konstantin Sallinen was a Finnish artist, the most outstanding figure of the fine art of the early 20th century in his country, the organizer and intellectual leader of creative associations in his homeland, the most significant of which is the November Group.Sallinen was born into a tailor's family, was the eldest child. The family soon moved to Haparanda in Sweden, where the boy spent his childhood, attended school for four years and studied sewing under the guidance of the strict father. The family was puritanical, belonged to a fundamentalist sect and rejected worldly pleasures, including art. Tyko left home at the age of 14 after being beaten by his father once again and lived working as an assistant of a tailor. Returned to the family after 4 years.It is difficult to find a more revolutionary rebel figure among European artists than Tyko Sallinen. Even the fact that there is the term "the first war of Sallinen", “the second", "the small third" in art history, which is understandable to all, speaks of how fiercely he fought with the "old" in the fine arts.The art and personality of the master, who was rebellious, raised a wave of interest in new techniques, but all foreign movements were based on the traditions of Finnish art. The artist was an honorary member of the Royal Academy in Sweden and received the title of the professor of the Finnish Association of Visual Arts. Many essays and books were written about him and a film about his life and work was shot.

1879 - 1955


A Ukrainian artist of Jewish origin, a painter, draftsman and sculptor, as well as an inventor who lived and worked in Paris for many years. Born under the name Shulim Wolf Leib Baranov.Baranoff-Rossine was a vivid representative of the Ukrainian and Russian avant-garde. He was recognized throughout Europe and the United States. He invented the color-visual clavier and presented "bell-ring" concerts at the theaters of Russia, France, the Netherlands and the USA. In the Paris Center of G. Pompidou, there is the device itself and the Gallery of visual effects of the opophonic piano.Constantly experimenting with color and light effects, Wladimir Davydovich applied them in the military art, having developed the technique of camouflage in 1939. Baranoff was officially registered as the inventor of the "photochromometer", which allowed to determine the quality of precious stones, as well as the machine "Multiperko", which produced, sterilized, poured carbonated drinks. His inventions received several technical awards, which, unfortunately, did not save the Jewish artist from the Auschwitz gas chamber in 1944.In 1972, the artist's family gave 38 works to the Museum of Modern Art in Paris; his son Dmitry restored the color music piano, which was exhibited in the hall of the Pompidou Center. The artist was presented in 1972 at the exhibition "Significant paintings of Russian artists in French collections", works have been exhibited around the world, in particular, retrospectives at the Tretyakov Gallery in 2002, at the Russian Museum and the Pushkin Museum in 2007.

1888 - 1944


A Brazilian artist, one of the leaders of Brazilian avant-garde painting.She was the second daughter of an Italian engineer and American B. Krug, an art teacher who initiated the artistic and cultural education of her youngest daughter. The future artist was born with atrophy of the right hand. Three-year-old Anita was sent to Lucca (Italy) to correct the defect, but to no avail. The girl learned to draw with her left hand under the guidance of American teacher Marcia Brown.The exhibition of 53 paintings by the artist in 1917 is the first in the history of the fine arts of this country, where works in the style of expressionism with elements of cubism and other latest trends were presented. She was the organizer of the landmark festival "Week of Art", a member of the progressive art group "Five".

1889 - 1964


A Dutch painter, graphic artist and illustrator. A participant of the famous Bergen school. Along with Piet Mondrian and Ian Torop, the artist worked in a variety of styles, from Impressionism to Cubism and Expressionism, in which he showed himself most vividly.Leendert was born into a large family. His father and uncle were professional artists and gave the boy an initial art education.Leendert (Leo) Gestel was among the leading artists of Dutch Modernism, who did a lot to promote the advanced art trends in the country. He took part in the first exhibition of “The Circle of Contemporary Art" - an association of artists focused on avant-garde trends in painting, in particular, Cubism and Futurism. In addition to a large number of paintings and drawings, Leo Gestel was engaged in the creation of posters and the design of household items, illustrated a large number of books and magazines.Museum of Leo Gastel, which is now popular, was created in his house in Blaricum.

1881 - 1941


A Dutch painter, graphic artist and illustrator. A participant of the famous Bergen school. Along with Piet Mondrian and Ian Torop, the artist worked in a variety of styles, from Impressionism to Cubism and Expressionism, in which he showed himself most vividly.Leendert was born into a large family. His father and uncle were professional artists and gave the boy an initial art education.Leendert (Leo) Gestel was among the leading artists of Dutch Modernism, who did a lot to promote the advanced art trends in the country. He took part in the first exhibition of “The Circle of Contemporary Art" - an association of artists focused on avant-garde trends in painting, in particular, Cubism and Futurism. In addition to a large number of paintings and drawings, Leo Gestel was engaged in the creation of posters and the design of household items, illustrated a large number of books and magazines.Museum of Leo Gastel, which is now popular, was created in his house in Blaricum.

1881 - 1941


A Russian artist, a talented painter and a graphic artist, one of the leading practitioners and theoreticians of avant-garde, in particular, a member of «The Donkey's Tail group», the creator of the Futurist group named "Bloodless Murder", which published the eponymous magazine.He was born into the family of Russified Frenchman Basil Le Dante, a state doctor who was soon killed in the fight against the epidemic of cholera. Having inherited artistic talent from his parents, Michael began to paint at the age of 3-4.Searching for a technology for "new frescoes" the artist created murals of cabaret, cinema (not preserved, but mentioned by friends and art historians). As a magnificent graphic, he created drawings for "Bloodless Murder» magazine, in particular, he is known for his "Triple Self-Portrait in Military Form" (1915)Le Dante was the first to discover N. Pirosmanishvili's art and the first collector of his paintings.

1891 - 1917


Polish artist of Jewish origin, who was born in the Russian Empire and worked in America. Being born in the Polish part of the Russian Empire, Max Weber came early with his family to New York. The very first studying of fine arts took place at the Brooklyn School. His mentor was Arthur Wesley Doe – a rather progressive teacher in the conservative environment of that time. Doe strongly influenced the formation of Weber as a champion of new approaches to the fine arts.

1881 - 1961


American painter and graphic artist, one of the first representatives of Cubism in his country.In early childhood, the future artist experienced a dangerous illness, which chained him to bed and made him disabled for a long time. During the long recovery process, young Dasburg became interested in painting, which became his profession in the future.Andrew Dasburg lived and worked in New Mexico sixty years, becoming an outstanding modernist in the southwest and having devoted a huge amount of his work to this region. The artist mostly painted still lifes and landscapes depicting the nature and architecture of the southwest of the United States. A student of Robert Henry, educated in Paris and personally acquainted with Henri Matisse, the artist participated in the famous "Armory show" in 1913 ("The War Show"), where his work was called "daring experiments" in painting. Despite the harsh criticism and lack of understanding on the part of many colleagues, Dasburg managed to achieve great popularity, as evidenced by the victories in several art competitions and the prestigious Guggenheim Prize received by him in 1932. In the article of the magazine "Arts" (1924), it was said that "The landscapes of Dasburg have the authenticity of the place embodied in them very reliably, and should be recognized, undoubtedly, as one of his best paintings." Being an active member of the community of American artists and a talented teacher, Andrew Dasburg made a great contribution to the development of modern painting of the United States.

1887 - 1979


A Russian avant-garde artist, writer, who lived and worked mainly in Paris.The artist was born into the large family of a merchant, far from art.He was a member of the group of Dadaists and participated in their exhibitions in Paris and Berlin. The importance of his art was confirmed by masters Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp, as well as the retrospective exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art of Paris (1971). The artist wrote and published his own magazine "Perevoz-dada", which was published intermittently and with different names from 1922 to 1973 and is a valuable source of information for art historians.Consistently passing the stage of adherence to Cubism, Purism, Orphism, Dadaism, Sharshun formed his own style. At the same time, he did not forget the experiments and finds of the past. Modernizing different techniques and ideas in its own way, combining them, he became recognizable and respected.

1888 - 1975


Американский художник, один из первых кубистов в США.Был вторым из четырех детей известного американского адвоката и оратора, бывшего плантатора. Родственники художника в прошлом были крупными землевладельцами, но потеряли большую часть плантаций после Гражданской войн.Работая преимущественно во Франции, Патрик Брюс придумал оригинальную абстрактную технику, основанную на достижениях А. Матисса, Ф. Пикабиа и супругов Делоне. Постоянный участник «Осеннего салона», «Салона Независимых» и других влиятельных выставок в Европе, он был хорошо известен в кругах творческой интеллигенции Парижа. Однако, несмотря на участие художника в знаменитой американской Оружейной выставке в 1913 году, его творчество осталось практически незамеченным на его Родине. Это привело к тому, что Брюс, относящийся к своему творчеству очень самокритично, уничтожил большинство своих произведений в приступе отчаяния, а несколькими годами позже совершил самоубийство в одной из гостиниц Нью-Йорка. Работы художника, которых сохранилось не более ста, свидетельствуют о его оригинальном подходе к живописи и незаурядном таланте. Они находятся в лучших музеях США.

1881 - 1936


Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp was a French and American artist, an art theorist, one of the founders of such art movements as Dadaism and Surrealism.Was born into a wealthy family. His mother, brothers and sister were engaged in painting, and Marcel grew up in a creative atmosphere, which contributed to the early manifestation of his talent. Following the older brothers, he began to paint in the style of impressionism, presenting quite interesting works from the age of 14.Marcel Duchamp, despite a small number of his works, was one of the most influential figures of fine art after the First World War, a genius and a rebel, who pushed the scope of painting beyond what was permitted. The artist was the author of the "ready-made" method, being the first to use the idea of ​​creating art objects from the most common objects, such as a bicycle wheel and even a urinal. The unusual and sometimes shocking creativity of Duchamp has opened wide opportunities for the further development of avant-garde art all over the world.At the end of his career, the artist departed from painting, preferring to use already finished objects for his works, which he called "ready-made", or creating voluminous collages. In addition to his artistic creativity, Marcel Duchamp starred in films, wrote articles and studied chess, in which he was a professional. Thanks to his versatile and unordinary talent, he left a bright mark in the art of the early twentieth century and laid the foundation for the emergence of completely new methods and trends in painting.

1887 - 1968


French prominent avant-garde painter of Finnish and Danish origin, who received art education in Moscow and Paris. He worked in France and became a part of the Paris School of Painting. He was born into the family of a Finn, the owner of the Moscow piano factory Leopold Friedrich Stürzwag, in Lappeenranta, 30 kilometers from the Russian border on Lake Saima (according to other sources, he was born on August 12 in Moscow). From a young age, he studied music, received a diploma of a merchant in 1897. He worked as a painter, graphic artist and theater decorator (collaborated with S. Diaghilev's "Russian Ballets"), as well as a book illustrator and monumentalist.Together with Arkhipenko and Glaz, he became the founder of the group "Golden Section" ("Section d'or", 1920), took part in exhibitions in Rotterdam and The Hague, Amsterdam and Geneva, Rome, Milan. Actively exhibited with "The Independent" in the Paris halls, was presented at the opening day of the "Master of Cubism" (1921).Survage became the author-developer of the theory of moving color abstract forms, was the founder of the Paris association of Cubists and Abstractionists "Golden Section". The artist was highly esteemed by the state, he was awarded national prizes and awards, became an officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor.The artist is awarded the National prize of France, the Medal of Paris, the rank of officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor. French television created film "In honor of Survage."

1879 - 1968


An Israeli and Romanian artist and architect, publisher and writer, a significant figure in the world avant-garde of the 20th century.He was born into a Jewish family. While studying at a secondary school, he also took private piano lessons and individual painting lessons from Romanian Expressionist Joseph Izer.He was a theorist of Dadaism and one of the leading exhibitors of constructivism in Easter Europe, as well as a founding member of several creative and innovative associations of artists in Romania and Israel. Marcel Janko became an organizer and designer of the village of painters and sculptors in Ein Hod near Haifa (Israel), where the Yanko-Dada Museum and studios are now actively working. He is a laureate of several prestigious awards in his historical motherland.

1895 - 1984


A French artist, designer, stage designer and musician. Georges Valmier was a follower of the most advanced artistic trends of his time, from Impressionism to Cubism and abstraction.The artist closely cooperated with the modern theater, creating scenery and costumes for performances, and was also a successful designer, developing models of carpets, furniture and other household items. The artist made a great contribution to the development of Cubist and Abstract (non-figurative) art. He was, along with J. Arp, A. Glace and others, a member of the executive committee of "Abstraction-Creativity" group - the first association of abstract artists, which was of great importance for the development of European abstract painting. Valmier published his works in the regularly published and popular not only in Paris edition of the Bulletin of Modern Art, which in many respects influenced the formation of artistic views in society. Georges Valmier was an excellent musician, he performed many concerts with the works of Debussy, Ravel, Sati, and others, and even influenced composer A. Jolivet.At the end of his life, the artist devoted much time to the stage design and the creation of costumes for modern theater and ballet. The most fruitful was his collaboration with director Marinetti at the Italian "Theater of Art".Valmier's work had a significant influence on the development of non-figurative painting of the early twentieth century. First of all, this is a pure abstraction, in which there is not even a hint of real forms, as well as Pop-art, Neoplasticism and Dadaism.

1885 - 1937


An American painter and graphic of German origin.Alfred was born into the family of lithographer and realist artist Louis Maurer, an emigrant from Germany.Maurer's paintings were repeatedly praised in the world: the Salmagundi Club Prize (1900), the first prize at the Carnegie International Show (1901), the bronze medal at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo, the Medal of the Exhibition in Liege (Belgium), the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition in Munich (1905). The New York Society of Independent Artists elected Maurer as its director in 1919. Today it is difficult to see A.H. Maurer's works in a museum or at an exhibition, as most of them are in private collections.

1868 - 1932


An Austrian artist, poet and writer, the leader of the Berlin Dada.He was born into the family of artists. He received his first drawing skills from his father. In 1900, at the age of fourteen, Hausmann moved with his family to Berlin, where he studied painting at Artur's Studio Arthur Lü Funk.Raoul Hausmann was a key figure among the avant-garde artists of Germany, famous for his photomontages and original collage works, which he used for satire and political protest. The artist also created voluminous compositions, the most famous of which was the "Mechanical Head" or "The Spirit of Our Time". In addition, Hausmann invented an optico-poetic poem, wrote a large number of critical articles, was an editor of the magazine Der Dada, and worked out the manifesto of Berlin's Dada together with like-minded people. He is rightly considered one of the most original artists of his time, whose revolutionary ideas had a direct impact on European avant-garde art.

1886 - 1971


Synopsis.A French artist and sculptor whose works are known all over the world as the best examples of Cubism in painting.Roger de la Fresnaye was born in a wealthy aristocratic family in Le Mans Department of Sarthe. His father was a soldier and gave his son a classical education. As a young man, he studied at several Paris art schools, including the School of Fine Arts and the Ranson Academy in Paris. One of the teachers of de la Fresnaye was the school's founder, artist Paul Ranson, as well as P. Serusier and M .Denis, who influenced the early Symbolist style of the artist.A student of the Ranson Academy, Roger de la Fresnaye worked in a softer and more relaxed version of Cubism than his colleagues, preferring recognizable forms of complete abstraction. Throughout his rather short life, the artist participated in several exhibitions at the Salon of Independent and at the Autumn Salon, was a member of "Golden Section", the group of Cubists, and presented his paintings at the famous exhibition of abstract artists at the gallery of La Boétie in Paris. Together with his friends, he designed the famous "Cubist house", presented at the Autumn Salon of 1912. For this project, which was a mock-up of a whole apartment house, Roger de la Fresnaye created wooden things, interior doors, unique watches, candlesticks and other decorative and interior elements.

1885 - 1925


A French self-taught artist, painter and graphic artist, writer, an active member of the group "Fauves" ("Wild" or Fauvist).The artist was born into the family of poor Parisian musicians (a Flemish violinist-emigrant and a pianist from Lorraine). Having learned to play the violin, he began to make a living early, without an opportunity to get a special arts education.Maurice de Vlaminck was quite accurately called the "incinerator" of Expressionism in the group of Fauves. The artist, who attended only private drawing lessons from adolescence, said with pride that he had never visited museums ("did not cross the Louvre threshold"). Maurice believed that the study and copying the paintings of masters, like a specialized school, deprive the creator of identity, making him not a painter, but a theoretician.Numerous solo exhibitions of Maurice’s paintings that took place in Switzerland, England and other European countries, as well as in the USA, helped him confidently gain sympathy among art lovers and art historians all over the world. They made the painter not only popular, but also financially secured. The artist was given the honor to represent France at the Venice Biennale in 1954. As a writer, Vlaminck left a legacy of several novels and autobiographies.

1876 - 1958


An American artist of German descent, outstanding graphic artist and cartoonist, photographer, talented teacher. He was born into a family of musicians from Germany. From an early age, he demonstrated musical abilities; his parents saw him as a successful musician. After the family moved to Germany in 1887, Lyonel preferred fine art to music. He attended an art school in Hamburg; in 1889-1892 he was a student at the Art Academy in Berlin. In his student years, the artist began collaborating with the magazine "Humorous Pages", where he published his caricatures.Lyonel Feininger became famous in the United States as the author of witty caricatures and funny comics that were published in weekly magazines; although, he gained true recognition in his historical homeland - in Germany, where his most fruitful years passed. Feininger closely collaborated with the members of the Munich association "Blue Rider" and actively participated in joint exhibitions of Expressionists. He was one of the founders of the group "Four Blues", which, unfortunately, lasted a very short time. The artist's life is connected with the Weimar "Bauhaus": there he taught engraving and painting, illustrated didactic publications and designed the art gallery of the institution. The work of the artist is marked by his own bright style, based on a mixture of Cubism, Futurism and Expressionism with a touch of romance in the stories and images.

1871 - 1956


French painter, a bright representative of the new art, which influenced the emergence and development of such a modernist trend as Cubism. Cezanne is also called the primitive artist in the new painting.The future artist was born in a well-to-do family of a pawnbroker, and then a big banker, Louis Auguste Cezanne. In his youth, Paul was interested in art and literature. He received a good education, excelling in exact sciences and languages. Thanks to the excellent memory, he could memorize whole works of the classics.During his life, Cezanne created over 800 oil paintings, as well as a number of watercolor works. Some of them were destroyed by the artist himself.

1839 - 1906


French painter, graphic artist and designer, a vivid representative of Fauvism and Cubism. Raul was born into a large family. His father and brothers were fond of music and theater. The artist is known for his light and joyful canvases depicting rest and holidays. In addition to painting, Raoul Dufy was engaged in illustrations and graphics and showed himself as a talented designer of fabrics, which was very popular and dictated fashion to all of Paris. The artist was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor, his solo exhibitions were held in Paris, Prague, Zurich, Brussels, New York. He received many large orders, including a huge wall painting devoted to the history of the emergence of electricity for the Paris International Exhibition of 1937.

1877 - 1953


A Spanish artist and sculptor, art theorist, one of the founders of Cubism, stands alongside P. Picasso and G. Braque.Jose Victoriano Carmelo Carlos (the name that he received when he was born) was the thirteenth child in the family of wealthy merchant Gregorio Gonzalez. The boy received his first art education in Madrid at the school of fine and applied art. From 1904, Gris took private painting lessons from Jose Moreno Carbonero, who was a highly educated but very traditional painter. The artist earned his first money, illustrating humorous essays in magazines.Juan Gris is an outstanding figure of European art of the first half of the twentieth century, with his highly intelligent painting that laid the foundation for Surrealism, Dadaism and pop art. Despite a rather short life, the artist managed to create a new turn in the development of Cubism, becoming the founder of its synthetic direction and a pioneer in the collage technique. A member of the Parisian group of artists known as the "Ecole de Paris", Gris participated in the exhibitions of the Salon of Independent in Paris, the Sturm Gallery in Berlin, the Dalmau Gallery in Barcelona and many others. In addition to paintings, the artist created scenery and costumes for the ballet productions of Sergei Diaghilev, as well as illustrated the books of his friends: G. Apollinaire, P. Reverdy and V.Udobro. Works of the artist impacted not only the development of painting, but also sculpture, architecture and design in Europe and the United States of America.

1887 - 1927


A French painter, graphic artist, talented teacher, art critic and writer.His talent, that manifested itself from the time when the artist was young helped him enter the Academy of Fine Arts in his hometown. Here, Metzinger studied the basics of academic art from talented, though not very well-known portraitist Ippolit Turton. However, very soon he began to show his interest in various avant-garde painting trends in particular, Neo-impressionism.Jean Metzinger was the leading theoretician of Cubism, who became known for his treatise titled "On Cubism", written in collaboration with Albert Gleizes. In 1912, the artist was among the founders of the group "Golden Section" - a branch of the Paris School, which consisted of leading Cubist artists and other followers of abstract art. The first show of this group at the exhibition "Salon of Independent" in 1911 caused a great resonance in society. Thanks to the articles on art, teaching activity, and bright individual style, Jean Metzinger became one of the important figures of Abstract art of the early 20th century, and made a great contribution to its distribution throughout Europe and the USA.

1883 - 1956


An outstanding Belgian artist and draftsman, who created his works primarily in the styles of impressionism, including luminism, and expressionism. He worked in the genres of landscape, rural subjects, carnival and circus scenes, still life, nude, and also performed wood engravings.Born into the family of painter J. F. de Smet. At first, he learned painting from his father, creating decorative panels, signs, frescoes for theaters, shops, hotels and country houses with his brother Leon.Gustave de Smet was an active member of the Lateme School (the second Expressionist wave), which had a particularly powerful impact on the development of all contemporary painting in Belgium. He was also an active member of Le Groupe des IX (The Group of Nine), an influential art community in Antwerp and the Centaur group in Brussels.

1877 - 1943


A Polish painter, illustrator and caricaturist, who worked in France.Ludwig Marcus, who changed his name to Louis Marcoussis at the suggestion of his friend Apollinaire, belonged to the group of the first Abstract artists of Europe.Louis Marcoussis was close to Puteaux, the creative group of artists and poets, and participated in the first exhibition of Cubists named "Golden Section" in 1912. In addition to painting, the artist showed himself as a talented illustrator, cooperating with many Polish and French periodicals, and having illustrated the books of his friends - poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Tristan Tzara. In the 30s, Marcoussis taught engraving at the Modernist Academy in Paris, and spent several years in the US, where he had a significant influence on the development of European modernist trends. The work of Louis Marcoussis is a vivid example of the Parisian Avant-garde art of the first half of the 20th century.

1878 - 1941


A French painter, sculptor, master of the monumental decorative art, one of the grandees of the fine art of the early twentieth century.The father of the future artist was engaged in cattle breeding and died when Fernan was only a few years old. Leger received his primary education at the church school in Tensecheb, and afterward, he studied architecture in Cannes.Fernand Leger played an important role in the formation and dissemination of Cubism and laid the foundations for such avant-garde trends as Neoplasticism and Constructivism. The artist actively collaborated with Cubist group "Golden Section", participated in the exhibitions "Salon of Independent", "Autumn Salon" and avant-garde association "Style", founded by Piet Mondrian in the Netherlands and the Russian "Jack of Diamonds". His interest in the possibility of synthesis of the arts led to the development and implementation of several architectural and design projects. The artist also clearly manifested himself in the field of applied creativity, scenography, cinema and book graphics. Together with Ozenfant, he founded The Free Art School, and later The Contemporary Art Academy. From 1940, the artist lived in the United States, where he taught at Yale University and at Mills College in California and achieved much in promoting contemporary art trends in the country.

1881 - 1955


An outstanding German painter, the founder of Expressionism.Born into the family of professional landscape painter Wilhelm Marc. His mother, a strict Calvinist, was from the French Switzerland - it was her, rather severe upbringing that made the boy serious and thoughtful.The Expressionist movement became so famous because of its interest in the spirituality of the Symbolists, and also due to the harmonious combination of Primitivism, Fauvism and the vector into the flourishing abstraction. Franz Mark included all these styles in his painting style, adding love to theology and to the animal world. To create an alternative, more spiritual vision of the world, he depicted it through the view of animals that emphasized those aspects of modernity that he considered unfavorable. It is also important that his later works moved into almost pure abstraction.He was an active participant and the main organizer of the Munich Artistic Union of artists-innovators "Blue Horseman", created the almanac of the same name. A number of world avant-garde movements of the 20th century considered the work of this artist, who died on the fronts of the First World War, their predecessor. The museum of Franz Marc works in the Bavarian Kochel am See.

1880 - 1916


A French artist, art theorist and teacher. Henri Le Fauconnier was an active participant in the group of artists and poets "Puteaux", and later became one of the founders of the first Cubist association "Golden Section".He was born into a well-to-do bourgeois family. In 1901, young Le Fauconnier came to Paris to study law, but soon became interested in fine arts and studied painting at the studio of Jean-Paul Lawrence, and later studied at the famous Academy of Julian. From 1904, the artist participated in the exhibitions of the "Salon of Independent", presenting his impressionist works.He exhibited his works at the annual Autumn Salon and the Salon of Independent, including the famous exhibition of Cubists at the Gallery 41 in 1911. The artist maintained close ties with his German and Dutch colleagues, was a part of the organization "New Union of Munich Artists" and organized the famous Bergen School in the Netherlands, which contributed to the dissemination of abstract painting in these countries. From 1912, the artist headed the Academy of La Palette in Paris, where his students, among others, were Marc Chagall and Marcel Gromer. Henri Le Fauconnier often visited Russia, where he exhibited his paintings at the Salon Golden Fleece, Salon Izdebsky in Odessa and at the exhibitions of the Knave of Diamonds in Moscow.

1881 - 1946


Czech teacher, graphic artist and sculptor, one of the largest and brightest representatives of Cubism in his country. The editor of art magazines and an art theorist. Having survived concentration camps, after World War II, he became the first author whose personal exhibition was organized by the official Association of Czech Artists. Filla was engaged in teaching activities, but could not participate in exhibitions, because his works did not belong to Socialist realism. In co-authorship with Otto Guthfreind, the Czech artist created Cubist sculptures, considered to be the very first in the history of fine art. Later he applied this style in decorative and applied art, including painting on glass.Although Cubist architecture became a real phenomenon in the Czech Republic, thanks to the work of such masters as Emil Filla, the legacy in painting became a significant and important part of the European contemporary art. The artist left a significant creative legacy, including a large number of theoretical essays on art. In 1998, he was posthumously awarded The Order of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk of the 3rd degree for his services to the country.

1882 - 1953


A French and American artist, designer, graphic illustrator, poet and publicist, who had Cuban citizenship.The artist's father was a Cuban attaché; his mother was a Frenchwoman. Financially secured Picabia studied with Fernand Cormon and other well-known teachers at the School of Applied Arts. After graduation, the artist worked at the studio of Cormon with his classmates Georges Braque and Marie Laurencin for the next four years.Francis Picabia became famous as an eccentric artist who does not obey any rules and stylistic dogmas in his work. He was called "Papa Dada", since he was the largest figure of the Dada movement in the United States and France, and the editor of the avant-garde magazine "391", where the works of artists of this movement were published. Together with his friend and companion Marcel Duchamp, Picabia had a great influence on contemporary art, in particular, on Surrealism and conceptualism. The main galleries of contemporary art in the world still actively acquire the master's paintings.

1879 - 1953


A French artist and sculptor, participant of the Cubists' Union "Golden Section".Born into a poor family. After receiving the certificate of secondary education, Andre became a student at a furniture workshop where he mastered the skills of decorative wood carving. Since 1899, he attended decorative art courses at the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux and worked as a woodcarver.André Lhote was one of the most intelligent and universal artists of the early 20th century. A follower of Cubism and Fauvism in painting and a talented sculptor, he is also known as an influential art critic and teacher, a founder of a private art school in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro. The theoretical ideas of the artist enjoyed great popularity among contemporaries; he lectured to a wide audience throughout France, as well as in Belgium, England, Italy, Egypt and Brazil. In 1955, the artist received the National Award for Contribution to the Development of Modern Painting and became a President of the International Association of Artists, Engravers and Sculptors. Numerous international exhibitions were held throughout his life, including a large retrospective exhibition of works by André Lhote in the Paris Museum of Modern Art in 1957.

1885 - 1962


A German artist, graphic artist, an author of emotionally intense, expressionistic and shocking paintings.He was born into the family of worker Franz Dix and sewer Polina. His mother instilled in his son a love for music and poetry.One of the founders of Dada movement was the most influential creator who formed the image of the Weimar Republic of the 1920s; his works are key in the movement “Neue Sachlichkeit” (“New objectivity” or “New Materiality"). He is one of the founders and participants in the union "Dresden Secession" (1919). In the canvases of Otto Dix, pacifist, social, and in later works biblical motives are vivid. The artist was a participant in two world wars.

1891 - 1869


A Russian and Soviet painter, still-life master, landscape painter and portraitist, one of the founding members of the exhibition and art association "Jack of Diamonds", a member of the Society of Moscow Artists.Ilya was born into the family of "state peasants" engaged in petty trade. He was the oldest of nine children and had to start working at the age of 11.He worked in the styles of post-impressionism, fauvism, neo-primitivism, in the late period – in the style of postmodernism ("socialist realism").He was a member of the movement "The World of Art" (since 1916), the creative group "Moscow painters" (since 1925), and became an active member of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia in 1924-1928. The fame of I. I. Mashkov spread beyond the European continent, since from 1924 works were exhibited in America, Venice, London. Vienna and Paris. He was awarded the title of Honored Art Worker of Russia in 1928, was awarded a gold medal at the International Exhibition in Paris in the late 1930s, received a bronze medal "For Outstanding Contribution to the World Art" in New York.

1881 - 1944


A Czech avant-garde artist. He was an active member of the Czech association "Eight" ("Osma") and the organizer of the first Prague exhibition "Independent", and also became a member of the group of the first German Expressionists "Bridge" (Die Brücke, Dresden, then Berlin) and Berlin's “New Secession".Bohumil was born and raised into a poor family. In 1896-1905, he studied at a real school, where he discovered a great mathematical ability. After graduation, he entered the Art and Industrial School (the School of Applied Arts) in Prague, which he left because of the conflict with the teacher. Then he intended to continue his studies at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, although was completely dissatisfied with the classical teaching system. He left this educational institution, went to work in the army for money. The appearance of Kubista as a painter was influenced by E. Munch's exhibition, which he once visited.The artist's works are an adornment of the collections of many Czech galleries and museums. The works of Bohumil Kubista had a significant impact on the formation of the national avant-garde in its various manifestations, the painting of a young generation of artists of the period between world wars and the creative youth of the 1960s of the 20th century.Despite the fact that the entire creative career of Bohumil Kubista covers ten years, it is impossible to imagine the creation and development of the national Czech avant-garde painting without him. His work contributed to the spread of various theories of art in the Czech Republic, bringing it closer to the level of world achievements. Being not only a talented and original artist, B. Kubista said his word and in a European scale - the synthesis of art used by him is called a special "expressionistic cubism". The first Prague exhibitions of "independent" artists, who formed opposition to Academism, were held thanks to the active participation of Bohumil Kubista, an energetic organizer and uncompromising champion of contemporary art in their preparation.

1884 - 1918


An outstanding Hungarian artist of Jewish origin, one of the most famous representatives of the Hungarian avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century. He was born to a working-class Jewish family. Using the aesthetics and techniques of a number of modern movements, Bela Kadar created powerful images based on the Magyar (Hungarian) culture and legends. The artist was a member of popular Berlin art group “Der Sturm”, his works were exhibited in Europe and America, were bought by the national museum of Hungary and remain in demand in the world to this day.His favorite plots were those with galloping horses, toy horses or statuettes appearing in urban and interior paintings, portraits and landscapes. Another motif, often reproduced by the artist, is music. His naked women were depicted with guitars and other instruments in the most unexpected ways. The master's pictures with subjects written in a light manner became widely famous - they provided a viewer with aesthetic pleasure and easily fit into any interior. Today, his paintings are in many private and public collections around the world, including the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest.

1877 - 1956


An outstanding Mexican painter, muralist, as well as a left-wing politician. Born in Guanajuato (northwest of Mexico), in a notable and well-to-do Spanish family. His mother was a Jew from among the conversion (converted to Catholicism). His twin Diego died at the age of two. The boy started drawing when he was three years old; his parents actively encouraged him. The significant periods of his career were in France and the United States. He was the most influential Mexican artist of the 20th century. His art served as the basis for the concept of public art in America, becoming a significant part of the Federal Program for the Development of National Art in the 1930s and 1940s. D. Rivera is widely known in the world as a monumental artist and as the husband of artist Frida Kahlo. Although his main legacy, no doubt, are murals there was a fairly long and noticeable cubist period in his creative career, when about 200 canvases were created.

1886 - 1957


Alexander Kuprin was a Russian, and then Soviet painter and teacher. A master of the still life and cityscape. One of the founding members of the exhibition and creative association named "Jack of Diamonds".Alexander was born into the family of a teacher of a local school. From childhood, he was fond of music (he wrote a few fugues) and drawing. As a result of a long apprenticeship, he learned the Petersburg and Moscow traditional schools of drawing and painting, and also got in some good creative practice directly in France.

1880 - 1960


The most famous Belgian artist of the twentieth century, known for his mysterious and inexplicable canvases, made in an original surreal style. At the age of fourteen, Rene Magritte suffered a severe mental trauma - the suicide of his mother, which left an imprint on his entire work. Of great importance to the artist was his friendship with European Surrealists, in particular with Andre Breton and poet Edward James, who was a close friend and patron of Magritte.The artist was calm and undemanding. While his fellow Surrealists flaunted their lives, shocking the audience and attracting their attention, Magritte lived in solitude, earning his living by creating advertisements and illustrations for newspapers and magazines. This work was reflected in his art, in which the influence of advertising and poster art is noticeable.In each picture of the painter, which at first glance seems like a meaningless set of objects, there is a hidden deep meaning and secret subtext addressed to the human subconscious. The central character of the work often became a mysterious man in a bowler hat, the prototype of which many consider Magritte himself. The artist never explained the meaning of his paintings, leaving the viewer with many questions and guesses about the true meaning of the things depicted in his paintings.

1898 - 1967


German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, poet and one of the key figures in Surrealism and the Dada movement.Ernst’s father was a teacher at a school for deaf children and an amateur artist. That is why, under his guidance, Max started painting at an early age. From the outset, Max was an impressionable child and fancied going to the forest with his father. In 1906, Ernst’s younger sister was born. That same day, his beloved parrot died. The timing of these two events struck the teenager, and he decided that his small sister had taken the life of the bird. From that point on, the artist repeatedly portrayed people in the form of birds.

1891 - 1976


Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director and writer. One of the most famous figures in Surrealism, and author of “The Persistence of Memory”, one of the most famous paintings of the 20th century.Dalí started painting at the age of four. He created his first serious work at the age of ten. It was a small impressionistic landscape, painted on a wooden board with oil paints. Henceforth, Dali spent whole days sitting in a small, specially allocated room and painting pictures. “I wanted to be given the laundry under the roof of our house. I got it and made it my own workshop, decorating it in the way I preferred,” he remembered later. Moreover, he liked to analyze the works of famous artists. He wrote and published essays about the works of Velazquez, Goya, El Greco, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

1904 - 1989


Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, was a French architect, the pioneer of architectural modernism and functionalism, a representative of international architecture, an artist and a designer. He was one of the founders of Purism.Jeanneret created his first architectural project at the age of 17, under the guidance of a professional architect. It was a house for engraver Louis Fallet. As soon as the construction was completed, Jeanneret made his first educational trip to Italy and Austria-Hungary. In Italy, Austria and France he created a few new projects for local buildings. “I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies,” he said.

1887 - 1965


Dutch artist who practiced painting, writing, poetry and architecture. The founder and leader of “De Stijl” (“Style”), a Dutch artistic movement also known as Neoplasticism. As a poet he wrote under the pseudonym I. K. Bonset, and as a philosopher – the pseudonym Aldo Kamini.Van Doesburg was an architect by profession; he learned painting on his own. The artist created his works after long and careful calculation, using mathematical formulas. According to the theory of “Style”, compositions were to be constructed in accordance with the proportional relations between the geometric fragments that are included in their composition.

1883 - 1931


Russian avant-garde artist who worked in the styles of Suprematism, Neo-Primitivism and Cubo-Futurism. She created “The Green Line”, a masterpiece in 20th century non-objective painting.In her early works, the artist used decorative and bright contrasts (for example, in “The Red House”). In the design of Futuristic books, the artist skillfully combined “female slyness” with the “horrors of Cubism.”After the revolution, the artist took an active part in the reorganization of art. In the later period of her creativity, Rozanova developed her own method of drawing. It was based on the decorative effect of painting, as well as its colorful aspects.Poet Benedikt Livshits wrote that Olga Rozanova was “a person who knew firmly what she wanted in art, and whose way to her goal was very special, unlike anyone else’s”.

1886 - 1918


Artist and art theoretician. He was the pioneer of geometric abstract art and the originator of the avant-garde Suprematist movement and Cubo-Futurism.Malevich created his first oil painting at the age of 16. It was named “Moonlit Night”. In his paintings, he tried to combine the principles of Cubism, Futurism and Expressionism. He was also interested in aerial photography and aviation, which led him to abstractions inspired by aerial landscapes.

1878 - 1935


Mondrian was one of the pioneers of 20th century abstract art. He changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, which was eventually reduced to simple geometric elements.

1872 - 1944


An artist, sculptor and theorist of fine art, one of the central figures of Italian Futurism. Together with Gino Severini, he learned the technique of pointillism from Giacomo Balla and became one of the authors of the Futurism Manifesto in 1910.Umberto Boccioni was the most active participant and propagandist of the movement, its theorist and practitioner. Boccioni made the most significant contribution to the art as a sculptor. He was the first to create futuristic sculptures and wrote a work entitled “Technical manifesto of futuristic sculpture”.Like many of his contemporaries, the artist admired technology, speed, scientific progress and everything that represented the triumph of mankind over nature. Boccioni's works vividly demonstrate the main finds of Futurists - the image of the dynamics and construction of objects using the “line-force” and the principle of “simultaneity”, in which a moving object is presented in the form of several repeating elements of different moments of motion.Umberto Boccioni died early while serving in the army. However, despite that, his name entered the history of modern art forever. The artist’s works are considered the best examples of Italian avant-garde art, and the statue “Unique forms of continuity in space” is rightfully called one of the iconic sculptures of the twentieth century.

1882 - 1916


Marsden Hartley (real name: Edmund Hartley) was an American artist and poet, one of the largest representatives of avant-garde in his country. Spending much of his time in Europe, the artist joined a large and influential German group called the “Blue Horseman”. He also participated in prestigious European and American exhibitions. The works of Marsden Hartley are represented in large public collections throughout America as an important and integral part of the avant-garde movement in this country.

1877 - 1943


Major 20th-century French painter, collagist, draughtsman, printmaker, sculptor, and founder of Cubism (together with Pablo Picasso).Braque came from a family of artisans. He grew up in Le Havre and studied as a painter and decorator, like his father and grandfather. However, he also seriously studied painting in the evenings at the School of Fine Arts. The artist’s early works were impressionistic. After viewing an exhibition of the works by Fauves in 1905, the painter adopted their style. Shiny red, white, yellow and orange colours prevailed in his works.

1882 - 1963


Pablo Picasso was a Spanish and French artist, sculptor, graphic artist, theater artist, ceramicist and designer. He was the founder of Cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which the three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner - as a series of superimposed planes. Also, it is known that his paintings hold first place in “popularity” among thieves.

1881 - 1973


Outstanding Romanian artist of German-Jewish origin, talented stage designer and one of the leading representatives of the Avant-garde movement in his country. The artist worked in the styles of Cubism, Expressionism, Constructivism and Modernism. He was the founder and editor of several periodicals. Max Hermann Maxy ran a school that he founded for those expelled from the official Academy Jewish artists, as well as a Jewish theater. In the 1920s, when the wave of artistic innovations began in Romania, Maximilian Hermann was at the forefront of the rebellion against a society that had deprived them of the right to full citizenship. He investigated the newest styles of art, joined provocative modern movements, organized the work of new educational institutions and the publication of journals. After the war, the painter was appointed the director of the Romanian Museum of Art and professor of the Institute of Fine Arts named after Nikolai Grigorescu. He made a great contribution to the formation and development of Romania’s culture.

1895 - 1971


Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse was a French artist, draughtsman, printmaker, and sculptor. He was the leader of the Fauvism movement and is known for both his use of color and his fluid and original draughtsmanship. Apart from Fauvism, he worked in other genres such as Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Cubism.

1869 - 1954


André Derain was a French artist, painter, sculptor and co-founder of Fauvism with Henri Matisse. Two other main styles of his work were Cubism and Neo-Classicism.

1880 - 1954


A French artist, writer and art critic. Albert Gleizes was an adherent and theorist of Cubism, and author of “About Cubism”, the first book devoted to this area, co-authored with Jean Metzinger.

1881 - 1953


Ukrainian and American artist of Jewish descent, who was born in Belarus.

1881 - 1941


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: bronze. Location: The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington (the USA).



Mediums: bronze. Location: The National Museum of Art in Kyiv (Ukraine).



Mediums: bronze. Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (the USA).



Mediums: plaster. Location: The Guggenheim Museum, New York (the USA).



Mediums: bronze.. Location: The Denver Museum of Art, Colorado (the USA).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of the Philippines, Manila (Philippines).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Art (Singapore).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of Art, Manila (Philippines).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Ateneo Art Gallery, Quezon City (Philippines).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Philippine Cultural Center, Manila (Philippines).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Edinburgh National Gallery (Scotland).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Leeds Museums and Galleries (the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Imperial War Museum of London (the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Museum of Ukraine (Kyiv).

1920 - 1921


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Perm State Art Gallery (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Kyiv Museum Fund of the “Art Arsenal” (Ukraine).

1910 - 1911


Mediums: tempera, paper, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: gouache, cardboard. Location: The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archeology, Oxford (the UK).



Mediums: ink, watercolour, paper. Location: The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archeology, Oxford (the UK).



Mediums: gouache, graphite, paper. Location: The Tate Modern Gallery, London (the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Gallery of Modern Art (Turin, Italy).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Guggenheim Museum, New York (the USA).

1923 - 1924


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).

1914 - 1918


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State Museum of Modern Art, Paris, (France).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Stedelek Museum, Amsterdam (Netherlands).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: New York Museum of Modern Art (USA).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Cornell Museum of Art, Winter Park, Florida (the USA).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Tate Modern Gallery, London (the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Tate Modern Gallery, London (the UK).

1934 - 1937


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Tate Modern Gallery, London (the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Tate Modern Gallery, London (the UK).

1923 - 1935


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The collection of Jucker (Milan).



Mediums: tempera, feather, mica, paper, cardboard. Location: The collection of Mattioli (Milan, Italy).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.

1910 - 1911


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Sloboda Museum and Exhibition Center Rozanovsky (Russia).

1915 - 1916


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Rostov-Yaroslavl Museum of Architecture and Art (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Art, Kiev (Ukraine).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Tretyakov Gallery (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Russian Museum St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Russian Museum St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).

1912 - 1913


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the Kiev Museum of Russian Art (Ukraine).



Mediums: oil, wood. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Museum of Modern Art in Thessaloniki (Greece).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the Yaroslavl Regional Art Museum (Russia).

1910 - 1911


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the City Museum (Amsterdam).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the Collection of Contemporary Italian Art (London, the UK).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Art Museum of Ukraine (Kyiv).


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Chaim Gross Museum, New York (the USA).



1918 - 1919


Mediums: oil, plywood. Location: the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan (Tashkent).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, tempera, canvas. Location: the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan (Tashkent).



Mediums: tempera, canvas. Location: the Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent (Belgium).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).

1914 - 1915


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of Art, Kiev (Ukraine).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The collection of James Butterwick (Great Britain).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Fine Arts of Jerusalem (Israel).



Mediums: fiberboard, encapsulated wax, oil. Location: The Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (Italy).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Fine Arts, Galati (Romania).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Moravian Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Moravian Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic).



State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.


Janus Pannonia Museum, Pécs, Hungary.



Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.


Mediums: tempera, cardboard.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Yaroslavl Art Museum (Yaroslavl, Russia).



Mediums: сardboard, gouache, pencil. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, New York (the USA).

1921 - 1923


Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid.



Mediums: wood, oil, iron, wire. Location: The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the Rostov-Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve (Russia).



Материалы: масло, холст. Местонахождение: находится в Астраханский художественный музей имени Б. М. Кустодиева (Россия).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery of Prague (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of Reina Sofia (Madrid, Spain).



Mediums: watercolour, paper. Location: The Provincial Museum of Fine Arts (La Plata, Argentina).





Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: the Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).

1929 - 1930


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).



Mediums: pastel, paper. Location: The Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Museum of Fine Arts. A. Pushkina, Moscow (Russia).





Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm (Sweden).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm (Sweden).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Trelleborg Art Museum (Sweden).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm (Sweden).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Norrkoping Museum of Art and History (Sweden).

1915 - 1916


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm (Sweden).



Location: National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires.



Location: Tate Gallery, London.



Location: Tate Gallery, London.



Location: Tate Gallery, London.

1912 - 1913


Mediums: oil, wood, metal. Location: The private collection of Konstantin Grigorishin, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, wood, metal. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The private collection of Konstantin Grigorishin, Moscow (Russia).

1913 - 1914


Location: Private collection of the Lobanov-Rostov, London.



Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.



Location: Art Gallery of Cologne, Germany.



Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.



Location: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.



Location: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.



Location: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.



Mediums: watercolor, ink, pencil, cardboard. Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Материалы: клеевые краски, холст. Местонахождение: Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва (Россия).



Материалы: темпера, холст. Местонахождение: находится в Государственном Русском музее, Санкт-Петербург (Россия).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).

1911 - 1912


Location: Ryazan Art Museum, Russia.



Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

1911 - 1912


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City (the USA).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Cadaqués Art Museum (Girona) (Spain).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Arkhangelsk Museum of Kustodiev, Russia.



Location: Collection of N. Lobanov-Rostovsky, London.



Mediums: gouache, tempera, сollage, сardboard. Location: McDougall Art Gallery, London.

1903 - 1905


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Brooklyn Art Museum, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art in Lodz, Poland.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of Warsaw, Poland.

1917 - 1918


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Thyssen Museum, Madrid, Spain.



Mediums: charcoal, paper. Location: private collection.



Mediums: сoal, paper.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Samara Art Museum, Russia.



Mediums: pencil, watercolor, paper. Location: Karakalpak Museum of Art, Savinsky collection, Russia.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Gallery "Last Century", St. Petersburg.



Location: Private collection of D.N. Alaniy, Georgia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

1912 - 1913


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Samara Art Museum, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Yaroslavl Art Museum, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Samara Art Museum, Russia.

1912 - 1913


Mediums: oil, graphite pencil, canvas. Location: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

1912 - 1913


Mediums: oil, wooden board. Location: Gerald Peters Gallery, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Brooklyn Museum, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid, Spain.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Cleveland Museum of Art, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.

1915 - 1916


Location: private collection.



Location: private collection.



Location: New National Gallery, Berlin.



Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.

1929 - 1930


Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: Museum and sculpture garden of Hirschhorn, Washington, DC, USA.



Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: Museum and sculpture garden of Hirschhorn, Washington, DC, USA.

1922 - 1924


Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: private collection.

1922 - 1923


Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA.

1921 - 1922


Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.

1920 - 1921


Mediums: oil, pencil, canvas. Location: private collection.

1917 - 1918


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Institute of Chicago, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Petit Palais, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas.



Location: Collection of Meyer, New York, USA.



Location: private collection.



Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Nancy, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Property of the heirs of the artist, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Keller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Weismann Art Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Rouen, France.

1913 - 1914


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Institute of Art Minneapolis, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Troyes, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Art Gallery, Washington, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts Lyon, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The d'Orsay Museum, Paris.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Fortress-Museum Moritzburg, Halle, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid, Spain.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: State University of Houston, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Gallery of Art, Washington.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Contemporary Art, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The collection of Daniel Seidenberg, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Museum, Baltimore, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Basel, Switzerland.



Mediums: oil, canvas.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Tate Gallery, London, England.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Art Institute of Chicago, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Keller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: City Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The collection of Sidney Janis, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen.

1911 - 1912


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Arensberg, Philadelphia, USA.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Institute of Chicago, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Collection Phillips, Washington, USA.



Location: Tate Modern Gallery, London, England.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Tate Modern Gallery, London, England.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA.



Location: Art Museum, Lodz, Poland.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Saint-Etienne, France.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Paris, France.



Mediums: etching and dry needle. Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA.

1919 - 1920


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands.

1909 - 1910


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art of Dusseldorf, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Basel Museum of Art, Switzerland.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Gallery of Modern Art, Munich.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Design in Rhode Island, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: City Art Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts of Chichester, West Sussex, the United Kingdom.



Mediums: oil, sand, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: watercolor, ink, paper. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The People's Gallery of Prague, Czech Republic.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Gallery of Modern Art in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The People's Gallery of Prague, Czech Republic.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Modern Art, Paris.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Regional art gallery in Liberec, Czech Republic.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery in Prague.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Gallery of Western Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery in Prague.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Art Gallery, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.



Mediums: gouache, paper. Location: Louis Stern Gallery, Hollywood, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum D. Olmedo-Patino, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum F. Calo, Coyoacan, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum de Arte Carrillo Gila, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum F. Calo, Coyoacan, Mexico City.

1915 - 1916


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Art Museum of Mexico, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Institute of Chicago, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Frida Kahlo Museum, Coyoacan, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Arts Center of Arkansas, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Dolores Olmedo Museum, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Art Museum of Mexico, Mexico City.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Kunstmuseum Basel.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Kröller-Müller Museum.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 85х67,5 сm.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Vitebsk Museum of Modern Art.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 52х62 сm. Location: Ivanovo Regional Art Museum.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Visual Arts, Ekaterinburg.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 62 x 49,5 сm. Location: Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 79,7 x 109,1 сm. Location: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, USA.



Mediums: lithography, paper. Dimensions: 38 x 56 сm. Location: Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 130,8 x 162,2 сm. Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA.



Mediums: charcoal, oil, canvas. Dimensions: 65 x 92 сm. Location: Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions:: 61 x 75 сm. Location: Tate Modern, London, UK.

1910 - 1912


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: chalk, charcoal, collage, paper. Dimensions: 74 x 106 сm. Location: Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France.


Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 73 x 60 сm. Location: Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 349 x 776 сm. Location: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Madrid, Spain.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 92 x 73 сm. Location: National Gallery, London.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 100,3 x 73,6 сm. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 60 x 49 сm. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Art of Romania.



Location: National Museum of Art of Romania.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Art of Romania.



Location: National Museum of Art of Romania.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Art of Romania.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, US.



Medium: oil, canvas.



Medium: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim, New York, USA.



Medium:: oil, canvas. Location: National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, Paris, France.



Medium: холст, масло. Dimension: 196.4 × 114.1 cm. Location: Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice.



Medium: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria.



Medium: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.



Medium: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Paris, France.



Medium: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 54 cm × 65 cm. Location: Lyons Museum of Fine Arts.