
1978 - 1984

The building of AT & T (American Telephone and Telegraph)


Philip Johnson


The hybrid architecture of the skyscraper is based on a modernist framework, on which a triple classical façade division scheme is superimposed. The forms and elements of the building were frankly borrowed from the Renaissance era. The basis was a giant model of the Pazzi Chapel with a central arch 25 m high, and the structure ends with a huge torn pediment, which resembles the end of the 18th century cabinet in the Chipp & Dale style. The gray-pink body of the skyscraper is placed on such a basis. The structure is crowned with a figured baroque pediment.

This building entered the history of architecture of the twentieth century as one of the most notable symbolic and pathetic gestures of postmodernism. Building glass boxes all his life, he led the postmodern rebellion, built the AT&T skyscraper.