

Voice of Fire


Barnett Newman


The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.

Canvas, acrylic paints.

Barnett Newman created this abstract picture in the style of Colour Field painting as a special work for the American pavilion Expo 67. The exhibition was held in Montreal in honor of the anniversary of Canada. The composition is almost five and a half meters high and consists of three vertical stripes of equal width: two outer blue and one red in the center. Originally leased to the National Gallery of Canada, the state acquired the painting for $ 1.8 million. This caused a storm of controversy: is it a work of art at all? Some Canadians, mocking the purchase, put on coloured t-shirts and ties, respectively, imitating the picture. However, “The Voice of Fire” took the central place in the new building of the National Gallery of Canada as part of a permanent exhibition, and the current price of the vast canvas is close to 40 million.