

Gold Marilyn Monroe


Andy Warhol


Museum of Modern Art, New York (the USA).


The sudden death of superstar Monroe from an overdose of sleeping pills excited many. Warhol, passionate about pop culture, used a photograph of the actress from the movie Niagara (1953) for this work. He created several series of images with the general idea of ​​reproducing the image again and again until it becomes the symbol of the broad consumer culture. In the “Golden Marilyn”, Warhol used the recognizable style of the icon, especially the Byzantine – he placed her face on a golden background. The author was close to the tragedy of the woman who became world-famous and died. It seems that Warhol commented on the morals of society, emphasizing the low level of understanding of the value of life itself by contemporaries. After founding the print publishing business in 1967, Warhol published a series of prints with the image of Monroe, using the most diverse palette.