

Birch Grove


Maija Nora Tabaka


Mediums: oil, canvas.
Location: The National Museum of Art, Riga (Latvia).

Briefly about the painting:

The canvas, rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of the famous Latvian surrealist, has a two-part composition. The largest part of the painting is occupied by the portrait of a young woman standing on a table covered with a white sheet. Her hesitantly outstretched hand repeats the bend of the branch of the largest birch closest to the viewer from the right side of the picture. Anxiety is conveyed not only by her tousled hair and the strange clothes of the character but also by the red contours of the open parts of her body. The viewer is the one who should judge, whether there is a miracle or reality in front of the woman, but the deep philosophical meaning that the artist placed in a simple plot does not leave anyone indifferent.