
1918 - 1925



1918 – 1925

Purism was an art movement that influenced French painting and architecture. It was led by Amédée Ozenfant and Charles Edouard Jeanneret. Ozenfant and Le Corbusier created a variation of Cubist movement and called it Purism. Rejecting fantasy, purists tried to depict objects clearly and without details. Their works are characterized by flatness, a smooth rhythm of light silhouettes and contours of the same type of objects (jugs, glasses, etc.).

Key artists:

Amédée Ozenfant
Le Corbusier

Key ideas:

– Purism should not be regarded as a scientific art.
– Purists did not believe that returning to nature signifies the copying of nature.
– According to Amédée Ozenfant and Le Corbusier, “Purism sought the pure element in order to reconstruct organized paintings that seem to be facts from nature herself.”
– The aim of Purism was to form ideas clearly and realize them without deceits.
– The artists rejected representational volume and mass, avoided using naturalistic colors.


The American painter and graphic artist of Jewish origin and was born in Belarus. He created his works in various styles, such as realism (mystical and social), purism, cubism and surrealism.

1906 - 1992


A Czech artist, a painter, lithographer, graphic artist, book illustration master. Maria Cherminova, the brightest and most significant representative of poeticism and surrealism in the Czech Republic, took the pseudonym Toyen at an early age. Its origins can be interpreted as from the French “Citoyen” - a citizen, and from the Czech phrase, meaning, “this is he”. In both cases, the new name did not give her gender identity. Maria, who tried to break down stereotypes, became a cult figure both in the Czech Republic and in Paris, where she was supported, in particular, by Andre Breton, a leading figure of Surrealism.Toyen was an original and self-sufficient creator. She perceived Surrealism as a driving force of imagination, as well as of the social and political progress. The artist became one of the organisers of the Surrealistic community in Prague. Many of her paintings from the second half of the 1930s also had strong political and anti-war meaning.Hostile to bourgeois conformism, Toyen challenged values ​​based on totalitarianism. The artist left Prague after the Nazi occupation considering the communist regime imposed on the country unacceptable for the creator.In Paris, she participated in the activities of the surrealist group of A. Breton. Although the life and work of Toyen made a great contribution to the development of feminist art, she herself never entered into discussions, did not speak openly about feminism or about her sexual orientation. Nevertheless, experts consider her a pioneer of free female art.

1902 - 1980


A Russian avant-garde artist, writer, who lived and worked mainly in Paris.The artist was born into the large family of a merchant, far from art.He was a member of the group of Dadaists and participated in their exhibitions in Paris and Berlin. The importance of his art was confirmed by masters Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp, as well as the retrospective exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art of Paris (1971). The artist wrote and published his own magazine "Perevoz-dada", which was published intermittently and with different names from 1922 to 1973 and is a valuable source of information for art historians.Consistently passing the stage of adherence to Cubism, Purism, Orphism, Dadaism, Sharshun formed his own style. At the same time, he did not forget the experiments and finds of the past. Modernizing different techniques and ideas in its own way, combining them, he became recognizable and respected.

1888 - 1975


A French painter, graphic artist, talented teacher, art critic and writer.His talent, that manifested itself from the time when the artist was young helped him enter the Academy of Fine Arts in his hometown. Here, Metzinger studied the basics of academic art from talented, though not very well-known portraitist Ippolit Turton. However, very soon he began to show his interest in various avant-garde painting trends in particular, Neo-impressionism.Jean Metzinger was the leading theoretician of Cubism, who became known for his treatise titled "On Cubism", written in collaboration with Albert Gleizes. In 1912, the artist was among the founders of the group "Golden Section" - a branch of the Paris School, which consisted of leading Cubist artists and other followers of abstract art. The first show of this group at the exhibition "Salon of Independent" in 1911 caused a great resonance in society. Thanks to the articles on art, teaching activity, and bright individual style, Jean Metzinger became one of the important figures of Abstract art of the early 20th century, and made a great contribution to its distribution throughout Europe and the USA.

1883 - 1956


A French painter, sculptor, master of the monumental decorative art, one of the grandees of the fine art of the early twentieth century.The father of the future artist was engaged in cattle breeding and died when Fernan was only a few years old. Leger received his primary education at the church school in Tensecheb, and afterward, he studied architecture in Cannes.Fernand Leger played an important role in the formation and dissemination of Cubism and laid the foundations for such avant-garde trends as Neoplasticism and Constructivism. The artist actively collaborated with Cubist group "Golden Section", participated in the exhibitions "Salon of Independent", "Autumn Salon" and avant-garde association "Style", founded by Piet Mondrian in the Netherlands and the Russian "Jack of Diamonds". His interest in the possibility of synthesis of the arts led to the development and implementation of several architectural and design projects. The artist also clearly manifested himself in the field of applied creativity, scenography, cinema and book graphics. Together with Ozenfant, he founded The Free Art School, and later The Contemporary Art Academy. From 1940, the artist lived in the United States, where he taught at Yale University and at Mills College in California and achieved much in promoting contemporary art trends in the country.

1881 - 1955


Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, was a French architect, the pioneer of architectural modernism and functionalism, a representative of international architecture, an artist and a designer. He was one of the founders of Purism.Jeanneret created his first architectural project at the age of 17, under the guidance of a professional architect. It was a house for engraver Louis Fallet. As soon as the construction was completed, Jeanneret made his first educational trip to Italy and Austria-Hungary. In Italy, Austria and France he created a few new projects for local buildings. “I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies,” he said.

1887 - 1965


French artist, art theorist and founder of Purism.Ozenfant had been painting since childhood. In the 1900s, he travelled around the world, taking part in various exhibitions. At the beginning of his career his style was influenced by that of the Cubists. However, he considered Cubism too subjective and intuitive and accused it of not being close to modern life. With a strong knowledge base in traditional art, he decided to “improve” Cubism by making it more classical. This is how Purism was founded.The artist described the theoretical views of Purism in the magazine “Esprit Nuvo”, which was published from 1920 to 1923.

1886 - 1966


Location: private collection.



This picture attracts the eye with its lightness and simplicity. It gives the viewer a feeling of harmony and happiness.



Mediums: oil, canvas.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow.



Mediums: pastel, pencil, paper. Location: private collection.



Amédée Ozenfant created a series of similar paintings depicting jugs, guitars and bottles. This had always been a typical theme of Cubism.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Kunstmuseum Basel.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location:San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.