
1879 - 1968

Leopold Leopoldovich Survage


French prominent avant-garde painter of Finnish and Danish origin, who received art education in Moscow and Paris.
He worked in France and became a part of the Paris School of Painting. He was born into the family of a Finn, the owner of the Moscow piano factory Leopold Friedrich Stürzwag, in Lappeenranta, 30 kilometers from the Russian border on Lake Saima (according to other sources, he was born on August 12 in Moscow). From a young age, he studied music, received a diploma of a merchant in 1897. He worked as a painter, graphic artist and theater decorator (collaborated with S. Diaghilev’s “Russian Ballets”), as well as a book illustrator and monumentalist.

Together with Arkhipenko and Glaz, he became the founder of the group “Golden Section” (“Section d’or”, 1920), took part in exhibitions in Rotterdam and The Hague, Amsterdam and Geneva, Rome, Milan. Actively exhibited with “The Independent” in the Paris halls, was presented at the opening day of the “Master of Cubism” (1921).

Survage became the author-developer of the theory of moving color abstract forms, was the founder of the Paris association of Cubists and Abstractionists “Golden Section”. The artist was highly esteemed by the state, he was awarded national prizes and awards, became an officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor.

The artist is awarded the National prize of France, the Medal of Paris, the rank of officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor. French television created film “In honor of Survage.”

Key ideas:

– Having settled down in Paris, the artist began to experiment in Cubism. “Cutting” image objects and perspective space into flat segments, he recreated several points of view in larger compositions.

– The theme of paintings most often became urban landscapes, flowers, trees, birds. Reorganizing real objects into fragmented components, Survage sought, however, the integrity of the picturesque space.

– The artist differed from other followers of the style by his choice of a palette: the color solutions of his paintings are mostly light tones, rather bright, but not provocative.

– After moving to Nice, for about eight years, Survage worked in a style that combines the techniques of Cubism and Constructivism. In the series of paintings of this period, a leitmotif is a man and the sea, a house and a window, a curtain and a bird.

– In parallel with the Cubist work, Leopold Survage produced dynamic abstractions. Innovator sought to create a sense of animation through the static environment of painting, calling it “color music.” The author explained: “Color music is in no way an interpretation or an illustration of a musical work. This is an autonomous art, although it is based on the same psychological principles. ”

– Survage said the following words about non-objective art and its perspectives: “The plastic form will get rid of the last shackles – immobility and predetermination. The painting will gain a breath of life, I give it the ability to move, obey the rhythm of the artist’s inner world.” At the same time, the author believed that the instrument will be a cinematograph, ” a true symbol of a concentrated movement”. It is art in time – “color rhythm and rhythmic color”.

– By the end of the 1930s, as a result of close contacts with A. Masson, Survage became more and more fascinated by mysticism and symbols. As a result, the curvilinear forms that previously dominated the artist’s compositions were again under the control of a fairly strict geometric structure.

Leopold Leopoldovich Survage

On Artist




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Vladimir Burliuk

Andre Masson


Alexander Archipenko

Henri Matisse

Paul Cezanne

Pablo Picasso

Amedeo Modigliani

Mark Shagal

Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin

Leonid Pasternak

By Artist


Pablo Picasso

Osip Zadkine

Mikhail Larionov

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Mediums: casein, pencil, panel. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Art Institute of Chicago, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Petit Palais, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Tate Modern Gallery, London, UK.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.