
1890 - 1966

Henryk Gotlib


A Polish artist, teacher, and publicist.

Young Henryk studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow near Wojciech Weiss. In parallel with art education, he studied law at a local university.

Henryk Gottlieb lived and worked for a long time in England, where he was a member of Modernist community “The London Group”, he also exhibited his works repeatedly in Paris. Despite his success abroad, the artist did not lose touch with his homeland, participated in exhibitions of contemporary Polish artists and in 1919 became one of the founders of “Formist group”, which opposed Academicism and naturalistic imitation of nature. Gottlieb was an active participant of “The Society of Polish Artists” and together with his colleagues organized the “Voice of Artists” studio in Krakow. In the 1930s, he taught painting and drawing at the Mehoffer Art School, and later lectured at The College of Art in London and Hampstead. Henryk Gottlieb published two books on art: “Polish Painting” and “The Wanderings of the Artist”, which contain a lot of information about the European art culture of the early twentieth century.

Key ideas:

– Painting of Polish artist Henryk Gottlieb differs in the breadth of his artistic vision and bold color solutions. The painter did not accept the Impressionist light and the festive perception of the world. In his works, he tried to express the true essence of things, using his imagination and filling the pictures with bright emotions.

– The artist painted portraits, nudity and landscapes. His experiments with various techniques and styles led to the emergence of an expressive individual style, where the main role is played by color and texture.
– Working in the studio or in the open air, the artist used what he saw only as the basis for the picture. He painted freely, with wide strokes and large planes of intense color. Simplifying forms, thickening colors and organizing space in his own way, Gottlieb achieved an amazing effect of real life with her direct impressions and sincere feelings.

– The main character of the artist’s paintings is the color. It expresses the emotions of the creator, his mood, and attitude to the surrounding reality and to his model. The whole essence of the image is the interaction of color tones, sometimes strong, deep, saturated; sometimes pale, only slightly glowing from within.

– Looking at the pictures of Henrik Gottlieb, the viewer feels that for the author it did not matter what was painted on the canvas: a nude girl or a rural landscape, since the main thing is to convey the dynamics of the image, its internal strength and energy.

Henryk Gotlib

On Artist





Войцех Вейс

Титус Чижевский

Леон Хвистек


Пьер Боннар

Анри Матисс

Андре Дерен

Эдуар Вюйар

Оскар Кокошка

Макс Бекман

Хаим Сутин

Жорж Руо


Эгон Шиле

By Artist





Генрик Стажевский


Марк Ротко

Джон Доджсон

Эдвард ле Бас

Линтон Ламб


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Collection of Arts Council.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The University of Stirling.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Tate Gallery, London, UK.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Southampton Art Gallery, Great Britain.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Scotland.