
1979 - 1985

The building of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank


Norman Foster


  1. The image of a building-mechanism, combines stability and movement;
  2. The structure is rectangular in plan. Along its short sides are two rows of four massive metal pylons, each of which is a combination of four columns;
  3. The pylons of the supporting structures are spaced 16 m apart and connected by belts of horizontal triangular trusses 33.5 m wide and two stories high, to which 47 floors are suspended, divided into five zones;
  4. The frame consists of five vertical load-bearing trusses placed one above the other, dividing the structure vertically into five sections of different heights;
  5. Instead of the usual scheme of high-rise buildings – the proposed floors, strung on the elevator shafts;
  6. Elevator shafts are located outside the supporting structures;
  7. Engineering communications are located in load-bearing structures;
  8. An interesting feature of the building is the space of the atrium, the floor of which, made of curved glass, is at the same time the ceiling of the open public space located under it;it is connected to the atrium by an escalator through which the building is accessed;
  9. The ceiling of the atrium is lined with computer-controlled mirrors for maximum natural light.
  10. Facades are monumental, laconic, constructive and logical.