
1946 - 1947

Kaufmann House


Richard Neutra


Kaufmann House (1946) is in the desert and is entirely made of aluminum and glass. It is known for its indoor microclimate, solar heating in winter and artificial cooling in summer. The design of the house is rather simplistic; the living and dining room is in the center, which is the heart of the house. The rest branches out according to the function it performs. The most important parts of the house are oriented to the east / west, and the auxiliary ones are oriented to the north / south. The north and south wings are the most inhabited parts of the house and connect to the central living area. The south wing consists of a covered walkway leading from the center of the house to the awning. The North Wing is the guest rooms. The west wing of the house is a service wing that is fairly isolated from the rest of the open plan. The east wing is the most isolated part of the house as it is Kaufman’s master suite.

The swimming pool, positioned throughout the design, is its dominant feature and balances out its basic composition.

Low horizontal planes bring the house closer to the landscape, creating the effect of its floating.

The differentiation of interior and exterior is blurred, creating an overflowing space.