
1918 - 1924

Untitled (from the series “Aristography”)


Yakov Chernikhov


The Archive-Collection of the Architectural Charitable Fund named after Yakov Chernikhov, Moscow (Russia).

Ink on paper.

The original architectural style of Yakov Chernikhov was based on his fundamental knowledge of ornament and rhythm. In his cycle with the unusual name “Aristography” he experimented a lot with form and space, rotating graphic elements of constructions in different directions and creating bizarre but impeccably accurate ornaments characterized by attractive rhythmic pulsation. The artist paid much attention not only to forms but also to colours in his compositions. In his theoretical works, Yakov Georgievich wrote that colours give the form an unusual sound; he said, “Tone and paint, in complete cooperation with each other, create musical harmonies of graphic styles”.