

Saw Three Cities


Katherine Linn Sage


Mediums: oil, canvas.
Location: The Princeton University Art Museum (the USA).

Briefly about the painting:

The geometrical architecture that grows in the middle of a desert or outer space, casting clear black shadows, is contrasted with vibrant white fabric with magnificent sculpted folds lifted by the wind. The general silhouette of the vertical figure resembles the sculpture of Winged Victory of Samothrace. The meaning of the image remains a mystery, as it often happens with the works by Kay Sage, who combined rigid objects in metaphysical space and soft smooth forms with a clear outline in one canvas. Immaculately, but formally and speculatively arranged composition is also a characteristic feature of the artist’s painting. This work was presented at the exhibition “Double Solitaire: surreal worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy”.