

Monument to the Army General N.F. Vatutin


Yevgeny Vuchetich


Mediums: granite.
Location: The Mariinsky Park, Kyiv (Ukraine).

Among the monuments and portrait busts of the heroes of World War II, this is special – it is installed at the head of the grave of the commander who died in 1944; he commanded the troops of the First Ukrainian Front that liberated Kyiv. The general’s appearance does not carry a pathos load – he is simple, peers into the distance, thinks about something, and, at the same time, his readiness for severe trials is visible. He is holding his cap in his left hand and the lapel of his wide-open overcoat with his right hand. The entire sculptural composition was interpreted by the sculptor and his co-architect Y. Belopolsky succinctly: two main events are depicted on the pedestal – the crossing of the Dnipro and the citizens of Kyiv meeting liberators.