

Evening in Irkutsk


Vytautas Kairiūkštis


Mediums: oil, canvas.
Location: The Vilnius Art Museum (Lithuania).

Briefly about the painting:

As the name suggests, the artist created this painting during his military service in the Irkutsk culture division of the Fifth Army headquarters. The nude genre here is solved in the classic theme of “a woman at a dressing table”. The beautiful figure of the model is depicted in the correct proportions with a small degree of conventionality. The characteristic for the author use of a clear, but not striking contour “in tone” makes the portrait even more feminine. The background is formed with the help of cubist methods of partitioning the plane – Kairiūkštis uses stretched and plastic volumes flowing into each other with pastel shades of a cold palette. The gentle ocher used to depict the body of a woman is supported by a fragment associated with a fragment of a curtain.