

Composition on the death of Elena Guro


Mikhail Matyushin


Mediums: paper, watercolor.
Location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia).

About the painting:

Mikhail Matyushin experienced the death of his bellowed wife Elena as a tragedy. In the record made shortly after her death from leukemia, he wrote, “Our life together created in us a great love for one. The rays of our meeting penetrate different live visibilities, movements and vibrations.“ It is this vision of the memory of his spouse that is displayed in the composition created after five years of eternal separation. The artist, using the diagonal dynamic composition characteristic of his works, shows Elena going into the space. Bright colors (this is the talent of poet and artist Guro) alternate with dark blue and alarming violet. Mourning is shown by a deaf black background, along which uneven and quivering strips move.