
1929 - 1933

Architectural fantasy 02


Yakov Chernikhov


Location unknown.

Ink on paper.

Yakov Chernikhov primarily worked on architectural projects that had practical applications, but many of his works are just drawings, fantasies on the theme of urban architecture of the past and future. This work belongs to this category and gives the audience direct associations with the creation of another famous architect-dreamer Giovanni Battista Piranesi, who created numerous colourful projects that were not always intended for implementation. The central place of the composition is occupied by a grandiose round tower surrounded by elegant bridges with spiers. Apart from the tower, the artist also depicted the surrounding space, creating an urban environment in which this object was supposed to be. He used bright red mascara, which was an unusual technique for architects who use mainly black colour but a habitual phenomenon for Chernikhov, who gave particular importance to colour relations in his projects.