

Apocalypse Now


Christopher Wool


Gallery Van de Weghe Fine Art, New York (the USA).

Enamel on aluminum.

Since the mid-1980s, Wool’s work has been a radical rethinking and revision of the picture in terms of its structural elements – from “wallpaper” made using stencils to paintings that resemble graffiti in the streets of New York and quotes from various sources. This work presents the famous phrase from the movie of Francis Ford Coppola “Apocalypse Now”, based on Joseph Conrad’s novel “Heart of Darkness”. The author created an entirely new format by combining graffiti aggression with formal elements of abstract painting – a dichotomy arises between what is readable but remains somewhat obscure due to distortions as a result of the absence of spaces and incorrect hyphenation in the three phrases “SELL THE HOUSE SELL THE CAR SELL THE KIDS”. The painting was purchased in 2013 by art dealer Christophe van de Weghe for $ 26.4 million at Christie’s auction.