



Stakism is a remodernist art movement founded in 1999 in England by artists Billy Childish and Charlie Thomson, whose concept was to promote figurativeness as opposed to conceptualism. Based on the artistic techniques of expressionism. Due to the time and freedom of expression of thought, the painting of the members of the group is quite bold, these are intimate scenes, historical and political-social moments interspersed with sarcasm. Also, artists depict landscapes and paintings on a variety of subject topics. Today Stackism is popular all over the world due to the lack of complex and painstaking pictorial elements of academicism. Despite its great popularity, many art critics believe that Stackism is “pampering” or the invention of the wheel (similar to Expressionism), and the Stackist artist is the worst artist and the stupidest theorist.


Key ideas:

“Dead shark is not art, it is anti-anti-art.”

“Your painting is stuck, you are stuck!”

Renovation of the artistic principles of modernism in contemporary art. Stackist artists are opposed to conceptualism, the commercial side of art, and the hedonist artist.

The structure of painting consists of eclecticism of various styles, such as expressionism, rigionism, primitivism, pop art, graphics.


Key Artists: Billy Childish, Charlie Thomson, Joe Machine (Joe Mash), Philip Absolon, Frances Castle, Sheila Clark, Emon Everall, Ella Guru, Bill Lewis, Wolf Howard, Sexton Min.


Key works:

Billy and Tracy. 2001. Billy Childish.

Over the Ocean. 2002. Godfrey Blow.

Sailor and Charlotte. 2017. Joe Machine.