

New European Painting


New European Painting is a contemporary art movement that emerged in the 1980s and peaked in the 1990s.


Key features:

– artistic and technical eclecticism – the synthesis of the aesthetics of photography, graphics, lyrical abstraction, abstract expressionism, the use of new media, such as copiers, laser engraving;

– a wide range of compositional solutions. New European painting is a combination of many already existing art movements. Without analyzing the material, it is easy to get confused, since one picture can be made in the style of hyperrealism, another is a mixture of expressionism and graphics, the third one is abstract expressionism or lyrical abstraction;

-conceptuality. The works of most artists are filled with certain spiritual and intellectual content; in particular historicism. For example, in the works of Gerhard Richter, political turmoil is displayed, and in the works of Anselm Kiefer, a psycho-emotional reflection of personal post-war experience can be traced.


Key artists: Daniel Sambo-Richter, Wilhelm Sasnal, Nemanja Vukovic, Rafal Bujnowski, Luc Tuymans, Albert Ohelen, Rosemary Trokel, Bracha L. Ettinger, Anselm Kiefer, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter.


Key works:

October 18. 1977. Gerhard Richter.

Knochen mobile. 1981. Sigmar Polke.

The time. 1988. Luc Tuymans.

soldier. 1999. Luc Tuymans.

Dominika. 2001. Wilhelm Sasnal.



A German artist, one of the most famous and expensive contemporary painters. Gerhard Richter showed his talent in several styles of fine art. His photorealistic portraits with blurry contours are exhibited at the most famous museums in the world, and abstract canvases are sold at auctions for a lot of money.Starting his career in East Germany, the artist worked in a realistic style; however, having become acquainted with the works of contemporary artists Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol, he sharply changed his painting towards avant-garde art. A few months before the fall of the Berlin Wall, he fled to West Berlin, where he started to search for his place in art. Based on photographs and products of popular culture, Richter created a vivid style, which included both realistic and completely abstract expression.In addition to painting, Gerhard Richter is known as the author of several major design projects. In 2007, he created the famous "Pixel Stained Glass" in Cologne Cathedral, which got the most controversial reviews. Instead of traditional biblical scenes, the artist created an impressive mosaic of multi-coloured glass, which consists of 11 thousand 250 coloured squares of eighty shades. It is interesting that the artist performed the work as a gift to the cathedral, without taking a dime for his painstaking labour.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Museum of Modern Art, New York (the USA).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Lidice Gallery, Lidice (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. The Froehlich Collection, Stuttgart (Germany).