
1899 - 1942

Jindrich Styrsky


An innovative Czech artist, photographer, graphic artist and theater decorator, poet and art theorist, the brightest figure of European Surrealism of the 20th century. Jindrich Styrsky is also considered a representative of the Paris school of painting, since he lived and worked in France for a considerable time.

The student of the Prague Academy of Arts was a part of Czech artistic bohemia and national avant-garde associations during its development between the two world wars – first in the Devestil group, then in the Manes group, and later in the surrealist community, one of the founders of which J. Styrsky became in 1934. In addition, the artist stood at the origins of the emergence of avant-garde photographic art and new scenography in Prague – he ran the Free Theater of the Czech capital.

In the 1930s, Styrsky was the editor of the private magazine “The Erotic Revue” with illustrations from many famous Czech artists. The artist supplemented each issue with his collages. Among the most important surrealistic works is “Emily Comes to Me in a Dream”, which was published accompanied by erotic photomontages by the author and psychoanalytic interpretation of B. Brook. It greatly accelerated the overcoming of taboos and censorship of the bourgeois culture of that time.

Jindrich Styrsky is a very peculiar, and, therefore, is not just a readable artist of Czech interwar art. His works are approved by modern European avant-garde classics and are presented in the most visited museums and galleries of the Czech Republic.

Key ideas:

– Styrsky created his early works, for the most part, under the influence of Cubism; the artist was recognized as a Cubist with a lyrical focus. However, Surrealism became the Czech artist’s “native” style a bit later. At the age of 21, he “released” his first photography in the style of surrealism. His passion for photographing was so strong that Jindrich was engaged in this type of art throughout his creative career and contributed to the development of the art of photography.

– After 1925, the painting of Jindrich Styrsky became close to off-figure, that is to say, it had features of Abstract art. Having gone to Paris together with his faithful friend, artist Toyen (Maria Chermilova), the painter announced the creation of a new original art movement called Artificialism. It was an alternative to both Surrealism and Abstractionism.

– In the early 1930s, the art of the Czech master acquired more distinctive features of Surrealism. Returning to Prague, he became one of the organizers of the Surrealist Society in Czechoslovakia, the main leader of which was Jindrich’s friend, Czech poet-innovator Vitezslav Nezval.

– The artist, along with paintings and photographs, paid a lot of attention to colourful collages and theatrical scenography. For all these types of creativity, the primary source of inspiration was dreams, individual observations and fantasies. The art of the mature master is characterized by his increased interest in eroticism both in art and in literary creations – the surrealistic story “Emily comes to me in a dream” became the most famous text with author’s erotic collage illustrations.

Jindrich Styrsky

On Artist





Abstract art


Andre Breton


Andre Breton

Salvador Dali

Pablo Picasso

By Artist


Abstract expressionism


Joseph Shima


Maria Cherninova

Karel Neprasch

Jiří David


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.

1934 - 1935


Mediums: oil, canvas, collage. Location: The Collections of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (France).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Alsova Gallery in the town of Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Moravian Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery, Prague (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Moravian Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic).



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Moravian Gallery, Brno (Czech Republic).