
1883 - 1956

Jean Metzinger


A French painter, graphic artist, talented teacher, art critic and writer.

His talent, that manifested itself from the time when the artist was young helped him enter the Academy of Fine Arts in his hometown. Here, Metzinger studied the basics of academic art from talented, though not very well-known portraitist Ippolit Turton. However, very soon he began to show his interest in various avant-garde painting trends in particular, Neo-impressionism.

Jean Metzinger was the leading theoretician of Cubism, who became known for his treatise titled “On Cubism”, written in collaboration with Albert Gleizes. In 1912, the artist was among the founders of the group “Golden Section” – a branch of the Paris School, which consisted of leading Cubist artists and other followers of abstract art. The first show of this group at the exhibition “Salon of Independent” in 1911 caused a great resonance in society. Thanks to the articles on art, teaching activity, and bright individual style, Jean Metzinger became one of the important figures of Abstract art of the early 20th century, and made a great contribution to its distribution throughout Europe and the USA.

Key Ideas:

– In his work, Jean Metzinger was a continuer of the traditions of Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and other Cubist founders of the style. He used techniques with characteristic straight lines, sharp edges and the geometric forms of Сubism.

– The artist was an adherent of the so-called “analytical cubism”, in which the edges of space and shape are blurred, and the subjects appear in front of the viewer in the most incredible angles.

– In Metzinger painting, his early fascination with pointillism with its clear separation of small color spots, as well as Fauvism, which determines the artist’s choice of a rich and bold color palette, are reflected. While most of the Cubist works differ in some limited shades, the Metzinger’s canvases delight the eye with bright colors and bold combinations of colors.

– In 1911, the artist gradually started departing from analytical Cubism and began to pay more attention to the volume of objects and the combination of different angles inside complex, multifaceted compositions. This type of Cubism was called “Cezanne”, since it was based on the findings of Paul Cezanne, who was the first to apply a few points of view to an object depicted on the same canvas.

– The mature works of Jean Metzinger are carefully verified, slender compositions, where you can see the painstaking work of the author on every detail and see his extraordinary creative intelligence.

– Being one of the main theoreticians of Cubism, the artist attentively controlled the correspondence of his works to the basic concepts of the style. His paintings can be called the ideal embodiment of the art ideas of such founders of the movement as Picasso, Gris, Leger and Braque, a clear example of the possibilities of the style in terms of form, volume, size, relative position and relation between elements, as well as the geometric properties of space itself.

– Art theorists say that Jean Metzinger was the most consistent follower of Cubism, who most fully expressed the idea and essence of this style.

Jean Metzinger

On Artist





Georges Braque

Pablo Picasso

Fernand Leger

Robert Delone

Juan Gris


Georges Seurat

Henri Cross

Paul Cezanne

Henri Matisse

Andre Derain

By Artist







Albert Gleze

Georges Braque

Robert Delone


Марк Шагал


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: private collection.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Keller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: City Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The collection of Sidney Janis, New York, USA.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The National Art Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen.

1911 - 1912


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Museum of Art, Arensberg, Philadelphia, USA.