
1883 - 1965

Hanna Sobachko-Shostak


A Ukrainian self-taught artist, graphic artist, master of decorative painting. Basing on folk traditions, Hanna Sobachko-Shostak introduced modern sound and elements of fantasy into them. The artist became a Master of Folk Art (in 1936) and a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR in 1939. Her works were highly appreciated abroad, in particular, by Henri Matisse.

Key ideas:

– The famous words of Henri Matisse, “We do not need to learn from you, but we must learn from you, because you have icons and the unique art of Hanna Sobachko” (1916) perfectly characterize the origins of such a phenomenon in Ukrainian culture as the art of Sobachko-Shostak.

– Hanna Sobachko (Shostak after marriage), who grew up on the basis of folk culture, achieved a special decorative interpretation of folk ornaments through her bold avant-garde search. The master created compositions, which have their own variation, despite the fact that they were painted under the influence of wall painting. Hanna built an image on the dominant color spots, flowers and leaves, rhythmically repeating, but different in their configuration and size. The artist seemed to divide the image into elements in order to assemble them in her own way later.

– The master’s characteristic method was to invisibly transform the flower petals into images of birds and fish, insects and fantastic creatures, sometimes people. Everything depicted is intertwined and woven together, evoking associations with ancient teratological ornaments. With the help of color combinations and lines, Hanna achieves the dynamics of movement or balance, while one can clearly feel the presence of something living by its own laws and in its own special world in the picturesque and decorative fantasies.

– As an artist of bright individual self-expression, Hanna created paintings that were accordant with the modernity and at the same time were tightly connected with the folk culture. Turning from traditional painting to decorative graphics, she worked in watercolor and gouache. Her dynamic compositions are characterized by asymmetry, unlike according to the traditions.

– Her drawings with arbitrary, full of fantasy motifs have a wild color, conveying joy, beauty of nature, and love for people. Compositions of the artist’s works are based on color variations and color accents that differ in size and shape. Flowers-birds and flowers-fish, flowers like a rainbow and like a tree of life are whole, where every detail is in its place. Only a person who grew up in a village can most organically create such ornaments, where the motives of live creatures and plants become one idea.

Hanna Sobachko-Shostak

On Artist




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