
1841 - 1917

Federico Zandomeneghi


An Italian artist, a bright representative of Impressionism. Having experienced the progressive at that time Maciaioli School in Florence, the artist was finally formed under the influence of the French Impressionists. He mostly painted genre and plot scenes from the life of ordinary people and landscapes, admired the nude genre. He was recognized in his motherland only after his death and is considered the founder of Italian Impressionism along with Boldini and Nittis.

Key ideas:

– Being a talented artist, Federico Zandomeneghi remained a deeply national painter, even perpetuating the streets of Paris, creating portraits of Parisians and landscapes of the surroundings of the capital of France. The paintings are distinguished by their stylization and decorativeness; the palette of the Impressionist period pleases you with brightness, while the brushstroke has a dense texture.

– Upon the whole, his style was shaped by the ideas of the Macchiaioli group and by the compositional and coloristic discoveries of Impressionistic technique.

– Keeping his originality, Federico does not merge with the crowd of imitators of French Impressionism – he skillfully combines the Macchiaioli technique (“macchia” means “spot” and indicates the superiority of the mood over the content, and the color over the line) with the desire to capture the momentary; also, he closely looks at the discoveries of Neo-Impressionists regarding color nuances.

– The painting of an Italian Impressionist is characterized by vitality and laconicism, elaborate “randomness” of the composition, liberated and free combination of dark and juicy color spots.

Federico Zandomeneghi

On Artist




Telemaco Signorini

Diego Martelli


Giovanni Fattori

Silvestro Lega

Giuseppe De Nittis

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Edgar Degas

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Mary Cassatt

Luigi Zandomenegi

By Artist




Giovanni Boldini

Paul Duran-Ruelle

Chechoni Adriano

Odoardo Borrani

Raffaello Sernezi