
1887 - 1914

August Macke


August Robert Ludwig Macke was a German innovative artist, one of the leaders of Expressionist group “The Blue Rider”, the author of program works published in the almanac of the same name under the auspices of the association.

He was the youngest of three children of successful civil engineer Friedrich Macke and Maria Florentina, who came from a peasant family. Soon after the birth of their son, the family moved to Cologne, and then to Bonn, where the boy entered a real gymnasium, and his parents organized a boarding school. August’s father painted landscapes, collected ancient engravings and coins – so the fascination with painting was not accidental. The first watercolors of the young man are dated 1902 year.

The participant and co-organizer of the exhibitions of avant-gardists in Germany. August Macke was killed at the age of 27 at the very beginning of the First World War. The House-Museum of the Artist was opened in Bonn; and the August Macke Institut, which deals with interdisciplinary research, in particular, of the Rhine Expressionism: the study of archival materials, the heritage of artists associated with this area of ​​art, was founded there.

Ключевые идеи:

– In the work of August Macke, which was formed by the consistent enthusiasm for various artistic trends of the modern era, Symbolism and Impressionism (in that order), Post-impressionism (late rationalistic tradition), Orphism and Abstract art can be traced. From all this, he acquired an individual style that reflected the propensity to depict a positive image of a whole world with the harmony of the coexistence of people with the environment.

– Typical for portraits, landscapes and subject canvases of Macke are color and lighting effects – always thought out, carefully selected and worked out. The pictures, in addition to giving the impression of joy and lightness, are made without some kind of sweeping negligence typical of Expressionists. The contours are clear, but rather thin and harmonious, not deliberately beating in the eyes, causing additional expression. As one critic noted, “the images of Macke satisfy the thirst” of meeting with the beautiful.

– Another feature of A. Macke is the intention to depict a substantive and rather realistic world, through which both the Symbolist idea and the sensuality inherent in Expressionism sound. The artist wrote about his desire to “find the energy of color, forming space, not being content with dead chiaroscuro” to his French friend Robert Delaunay. In one of his last paintings, “The Rope Dancer”, the artist is close to the solution of this task. In the work, painted with burning paints, complex linear construction, intense colors and the entire spatial composition, which leads to the depth of the canvas, convey a sense of festive elation of the mood of the artists and the audience.

– Unlike his colleague and friend F. Marc, who depicted nature, A. Macke was interested in depicting a man and city life. Shevreyl’s optical discoveries, which were studied and developed by his friend Robert Delaunay, help the artist to paint gardens and urban architecture penetrated by light.

– Abstraction, which Macke briefly became interested in, was rather an exception in his work, because the abstract themes and speculative reflections on metaphysical problems were alien to August, who was actually interested in real life.

August Macke

On Artist






Франц Марк

Робер Делоне

Василий Кандинский


Арнольд Бёклин

Ловис Коринт

Кацусика Хокусай

Эдуард Мане

Леонардо да Винчи

Эдгар Дега

Поль Гоген

Аристид Майоль

By Artist




Франц Марк

Луи Муайе

Пауль Клее

Гельмут Маке

Альфред Кубин


Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: The Städel Art Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Ludwig Museum. Cologne, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: Old and New National Galleries, Museum Berggruen, Berlin, Germany.



Location: The Städel Art Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Dimensions: 70 x 88 сm. Location: Private Collection Westdeuice Landesbank, Düsseldorf, Germany.



Mediums: oil, paper. Dimensions: 50 x 39 cm. Location:Old and New National Galleries, Museum Berggruen, Berlin, Germany.



Mediums: oil, canvas. Location: German National Museum in Nuremberg, Germany.



Location: Westphalian Museum of Art and Cultural History, Münster, Germany.



Mediums: oil, wooden board. Dimensions: 41 x 32,5 сm. Location: Art Museum of Bonn, Germany.